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Ricky's POV

As soon as I got of the plane, I made my way out of the airport, I called Kuza. He's in a band with Franccesca so I'm pretty sure he knows where she lives and I don't have a clue.

"Hey Ricky what's up man, I haven't heard from you in a while?" Kuza said from the other end of the line. "Do you happen to know where Franccesca lives by any chance?" I asked kindly. "Yeah, I do." he filled me in on the information and I thanked him before I hung up the phone. I was thankful he didn't ask why. It's a really long story I don't really have time to tell right now.

I wrote the address on my hand since I didn't have any paper and made my way to the store. Not just any store though.

When I got what I needed, I pulled up the address on the GPS in the rental car that I was borrowing and followed the annoying ladies voice.

"Please let Jess be here. I've traveled across America to see her and make things right." I thought to myself.

I parked the car outside of the apartment building complex an made my way up four flights of stairs to get to the right floor. When I made it up all of the steps, which was a lot, I was left panting and out of breath. I am not fit at all!

I knocked on the door cautiously hoping I heard Kuza right and just stood there. A couple of seconds later Franccesca opened the door. "Hey Ricky! Come in." she greeted. "What brings you all the way to California?" she was a little confused as to why I was standing in her apartment still. "I came to see Jessica." I replied. "Alright, well she's in her room, second door on the left." I nodded my head and gave Franccesca a smile. "Thanks." I replied as I made my way to her door. I knocked on the door, and stood there. It was like déjà vu all over again, but this time it was more stressful.

"Come in!" Jess yelled. I opened the door and found that she was staring at something on her phone. "Hey stranger." I said. Her head snapped in my direction so quick that if she would have done it slightly faster her head would've popped off. "R-Ricky." she stuttered. "Look, I-I can explain." I just shook my head no. "No need, I know why you left me." She looked scared. "Why are you scared?" I asked. "Are you going to leave me now that you know?" she replied. I just shook my head no once again. "Look Jess, if I were going to leave you I wouldn't have come all the way to California to get you back." She looked as if she was going to cry. "Your here to get me back?" "Jessica, I love you and I want to make things right." I replied. "I love you too." She got up and gave me a really tight hug.

"Do you think you'd want to come back to Pennsylvania with me?" I questioned. "I'll think about it, I mean I don't want Chris to know." she said looking scared again. "Please?" I begged desperately. "Jessica, I can't live without you. Because without you I'm hopeless." I replied. "Fine, but your keeping me at your house, I'm not going home. I can't face Chris." she said. I nodded and smiled wide. Now there was only one thing left to do.

"If your coming home with me however I need to make things right. I don't want you going home with me as my girlfriend." Jess looked at me with shock and sadness. "I want you to go home with me as my fiancée." Now she was in pure shock.

I got down on one knee and pulled the ring out of my pocket. "Jessica Cerulli, will you do me the honor of marrying you and having a nice happy family with you?" I questioned.

"Ricky...." she trailed off looking deep into my eyes.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now