Going On Tour

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Jessica's POV

When we got to the hospital, Ryan was already sitting outside taking a smoke. "I'm surprised hospital security hasn't come by and kicked you out yet." I chuckled. Ryan looked up and shrugged. "Ehh, i could care less if they did." He stated. Ricky and I both laughed this time. Typical Ryan. "So.. How was last night?" Ryan winked. "It went well." Ricky said smiling. I on the other hand was blushing terribly.

"Well, we've gotta go see Chris now, see you later Ryan." I said rather quickly. Ricky grabbed my hand and we made our way to Chris's room.

When we approaced his room I dropped Ricky's hand and then reached for the door handle.

"Hey Chris." I said as I saw him sitting up him his bed. "Oh hey Jess!" he exclaimed. I walked over and sat on the bed. Ricky slowly trudging behind me. "Hey Rick." Ricky waved. "Hey Chris." he replied. "So where were you guys this morning?" Chris wondered. "We were talking about what happened at the party a little while ago." I confessed. Chris just nodded. "If you ever do that again to my sister Ricky I might have to kick your ass." Chris explained. Ricky nodded his head not really sure if he should take that seriously. I mean Chris is too much of a softie to do that to someone.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Hey Chris! I brought you some Starbucks, actually more like sneaked it up here for you." Ashley said as she walked into the room. "Oh hey Jess!" Ashley winked. I just laughed.

The rest of the day we just kind of hung around until visiting hours were over and the nurse rudely kicked us out.

One week later~

Chris was home from the hospital for about three days now, and yesterday he actually told us what really happened because the doctors never did. apparently he was hit by a drunk driver on his way to Starbucks. Of all places that's where he was going. I'm not really surprised by that.

We were currently watching tv, and when I mean we, I mean Chris, the guys, Allie, and I. Suddenly I felt kind of sick. The feeling subsided after ten minutes. That's really weird...

"What time is it Jess?" Chris asked. Motionless was going on a three month tour today and they had to leave at four. It's 2:30. I replied. "We should start loading our stuff in the bus. While we do that, Jess help Allie with the merch." I nodded my head and followed Allie outside to her car. She had a bunch of boxes that filled her car to the brim all of it was merch. "Do you think you have enough?" I laughed. Allie just laughed with me. "Those crazy fangirls buy a lot of merch, so the answer is no, we will never have enough merch." She replied. I laughed at all the crazy fangirl stories that Chris would tell me when he always gets home from a tour. They must run into a lot of weird things. Then I realized.. What about Ricky and the fangirls? What will he do when he's gone? I decided to text him since we can't show any form of affection around Chris.

Jessica: don't let the fangirls steal you away from me!

Ricky: I won't let that happen babe, don't worry. I only want you.

I felt my heart beat a thousand miles a minute. I never actually thought that Ricky would be telling me that. I've always just dreamed of being with him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I had a text.

Ricky : we've got to go now unfortunately, but I promise to text you everyday!

Jessica: have fun! And I'll be waiting for those texts.

These next few months are going to be hard.

Chris walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I love you Jess, I'll miss you! He said sadly. "I'll miss you too." I replied just as sad. Then it was Josh's turn to hug me, then Ryan, Ghost, Angelo, Allie, and then Ricky. "I'll miss you so much." he whispered in my ear. "I'll miss you more." I whispered back.

They all turned around and got on bus leaving me alone for three whole months.

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