Day By Day

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Ricky's POV

"Chris I swear to god I didn't do anything!" I shouted into my phone. "Somehow I don't believe this." he argued.

"And why not?!" I yelled back. "Because.... Well because!" he replied. "Because what?" I calmed down a little, knowing he couldn't come up with an excuse.

"I don't know Ricky. I don't know what to believe anymore." he sighed.

"Just help me out Chris, I'm desperate. She took my son! She just left me here not giving me a chance to explain! For fucks sake there wasn't even anything to explain! This bitch just came to my house!" I felt the urge to cry. I've lost everything I have left.

"Fine, just give me some time to talk to her and I'll call you back." he replied. "Thanks." I said as the line went dead.

Chris's POV

"Jess, we need to talk." I said through the door. I could only hear Dexter giggling, but then she finally spoke.

"About what?" she sighed. "Hear me out before you start talking." I reached for the door knob and opened the door.

"Just hear me out." I simply said once more. "Fine, go on, you've got my attention."

"I know Ricky and I know..." Jessica cut me off.

"Get out. I don't want to hear about..." this time I cut her off. "Shut up! Your going to hear me out!" I shouted. She sat down and I began to talk again.

"I know Ricky and I know he wouldn't do anything like this. Don't you think your acting absurd! You always do this, you never give anyone time to explain. What if she really just walked to your house and claimed all of this stuff was true but it's not. It's really not true and your stupid because you can't give your own fiancée time to explain." I let myself catch my breath before continuing.

"I don't understand why you would think that he'd cheat on you multiple times. First with Max and now this random chick when all he's ever wanted is you. He went to California to get you and make things right with you and this is how you act."

I looked over and Jess was crying. "I fucked up." she sniffled. "Again."

"Yeah you did, and you need to make it right. You need to get your ass back over there and give him a pretty damn good reason why he should take you back and forgive you for the second time. Not to mention you need to tell him that you actually trust him because if you don't he'll probably live his life thinking that you don't."

"Can you take me over there?" she asked softly wiping the tears away with a tissue.

"Of course, but I'm not bringing you back. Your going to go home and your staying there. At YOUR house." I emphasized the your for some effect. Hopefully she understands that home is where the heart is and she needs to put the heart back in it since she kind of broke it.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now