This Is Where It All Begins

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Jessica's POV

When we made it to the room, I was trying to calm myself. Maybe it will be like last time Chris was here. Just a few scratches and he'll be just fine.

I opened the door with my hopes up high. "Jessica! You made it!" Ashley said wiping some tears that stained her face. She was more of a mess then I was. Her eyeliner running down her face and her lipstick somewhat smudged.

"Hey Ash." I said as I hugged her tightly. Then I looked around the room as I remembered we were her for Chris, but he wasn't here.

"Where is he?" I asked referring to Chris. "He's in the bathroom." she chuckled. I sighed and hugged Ricky happily. "He's going to be alright Rick." I teared up from relief. "I told you he'd be okay." he whispered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but he's not really alright." Ashley said her voice cracking as she did so.

"What do you mean Ash?" I asked suddenly worried again. "He has some sort of disease. They don't really know what it is yet, but the doctors said they're working on it. We just hope whatever it is it's not serious. I mean, I would think it was considering I had to take Chris here after he had a seizure."

"He what now?!" I asked shocked. Seizures are pretty serious, he can die from that. "I don't know what-"

"Hey Jess! Hey Rick! Nice to see ya!" Chris said excited. "Chris..." I sighed.

"Look Jessica, I'm trying to lighten the mood. I don't exactly want to be here right now either." He said sort of sadly.

"I'm sorry, I just want you to be okay alright, I'm worried about you."

"It's alright, I understand I would probably feel the same what if I were you." I walked over to Chris and helped him into the bed. "I may hate you sometimes, but I love you and if you left me..." I trailed off. "Don't worry, your not getting rid of me that easily." Chris teased.

"So if I left you here with my soon to be sister in law." I winked at Ashley and she smiled. "Then would you be okay for tonight?" I finished. "Of course, now get out!" He yelled. "Bitch." I muttered.

"I heard that!" he yelled back after me. I took Ricky's hand in mine and walked down the hallway happily.

I just hope he continues to be okay. Something can always....

Suddenly I felt a pain in my stomach and squeezed Ricky's hand for dear life signing my pain.

"What's wrong Jessica!?" Ricky asked scared of the situation.

"I think it's time Rick!" I yelled out in pain.

So what was I saying? Oh right..

Something can always go wrong.

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