Planning The Future

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Two Months Later~

Jessica's POV

All is good with everyone, except I haven't heard from Ashley in a while. I've texted her and she hasn't answered. I ask Chris about her every time he calls however and he just says that she's doing great.

I have a feeling something's wrong though. I'll go over there later. Right now Ricky and I were watching horror movies and eating pizza. "Hey babe can you get me something to drink?" I asked Ricky. "Yeah, what do you want?" I just shrugged. "Whatever will do." I'm not really picky or specific, if I want something to drink just get me whatever.

Ricky came back in the room moments later with a water. "Can we go to Chris and Ashley's later? I need to talk to Ash." I said. "Well, we've got band practice later but I'll just bring you with me." I nodded. "What time?" "Four." It was now twelve so that gives us like three and a half hours. Don't want Ricky to be late for band practice like Balz always is. I swear he shows up twenty minutes late in purpose every time.

"Hey, while we're waiting want to plan the wedding?" I asked. "Don't you think we should be coming up wit baby names before we even start wedding planning?" Ricky replied. "Yeah, but that wouldn't take that much time, wedding planning takes a while." I stated. "Fine, what are you thinking?" he asked. "Do you want like a traditional wedding?" I asked curiously. "Do we look anywhere near traditional to you?" I shook my head. "Then there's your answer." I laughed. "What colors are you thinking of then?" He's going to say purple and black I can see it now.

"Purple and black." I chuckled to myself. "What's so funny?" "I knew you were going to say that." I replied. "But I like it, so when should we get married?" I asked. "I'm thinking in like December. Winter is my favorite season." I smiled. "Mine too, that works for me." Ricky replied.

"Alright so we've got purple and black for colors, and it's going to be in December. What day do you think Rawould work?" We're getting somewhere. "The 12th. Then it would be 12/12." I chuckled at his goofiness. "Alright, the 12th it is!" I replied.

"What about baby names? We should come up with that now since we have less then two months left." Ricky stated. "In all honesty I don't know." I really had no clue.

"Alright, how about Sophia?" Ricky asked. "It's really cute." I smiled. "How about Ryan?" I asked. "I like it, name her after Ryan Ashley haha." I nodded. "Since we both picked out a name for a girl why don't we just combine it, so like Sophia Ryan." Ricky and I smiled at how cute that turned out. "How about if it's a boy?" Ricky smiled wider. What is he thinking?

"Dexter!" he squealed. Should've seen that coming. After his favorite show. "Fine, then it's going to be Christopher Dexter for a boy." I've always wanted to name my child after my brother. He may give me shit all of the time, but he is my brother and I love him to death.

"That's perfect babe, I love the names." Ricky said. "Same here, now get off your cute little ass so we can go over Chris's house. Just don't tell Chris about our little surprise, or Ryan." Ricky nodded his head and we got up to get ready to go to Chris's house.

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