Breaking The News

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Jessica's POV

When we got to my house... well, my old house since I was moving in with Ricky, I turned and looked at him. "Ricky, you should stay here." I said. "No babe I told you we are going to go through this together." I smiled. "I love you."

I grabbed the door handle of the car door and then got out. I made my way up the walkway with Ricky's hand in mine and just walked into the house.

"Chris!" I yelled. I dropped Ricky's hand and soon Chris appeared looking quite surprised. Suddenly his gaze dropped to my stomach. I'm pretty sure at almost five months pregnant it was noticeable.

"Are you....?" he trailed off. His expression as blank as a piece of paper. "Yeah, Chris I'm pregnant, that's why I left." He didn't answer instead just stared at me.

After a while of nothing but being stared at, I waved my hand in front of his face. His eyes locked with mine suddenly and he hugged me. "I wouldn't have been mad at you." Chris whispered in my ear.

After he finds out who the father is he will be. I wasn't even going to bring up the fact that I was engaged either. I had slipped the ring in my pocket for now.

"Wait, who's the father?" Chris blurted. Shit. I looked down at the ground. "Why do you want to know?" I asked. Chris gave me 'the look'. The one saying that he needs to approve of this guy first. Which I mean he does and he doesn't approve of Ricky.

"Some guy..." I trailed off. "Oh really? What's his name." He replied sarcastically. "Richard." I smiled. He looked at Ricky who was standing next to me. "Like that Richard, Ricky Olson?" he questioned. His face was turning red and I was enjoying every second too. "Yup." I grinned evilly. Chris looked over at Ricky and then lunged at him.

"Why would you knock up my sister! I fucking told you to stay away!!" Chris seethed. "Chris stop it!" I yelled. He punched Ricky in the face. And he didn't fight back. "You bitch!" Chris yelled again.

"Chris!" He still didn't listen to me. he was about to throw another punch, but I grabbed his arm. "You two are idiots! I told you both to stay away from each other!" he screamed. Yeah, that's not. going to happen.

"Hey, wanna know something else! We're engaged too!" I yelled out of pure anger. "I told you it would work out but you just wanted to act like a selfish bitch and put yourself ahead of my happiness!" I replied. Chris turned even more red then he already was and his fists balled up. He turned towards Ricky again. "If you even think of punching him one more time I will disown you as a brother!" I screamed. Chris looked at me in disbelief and then walked out the door slamming it behind him.

"I think we should go home Ricky." I sighed. I helped him up off of the floor and got him a napkin. Chris busted his lip and left an nasty bruise on his cheek.

"Give me the keys." I stated. Ricky gave me a weird look. "Your clearly in no condition to drive, give me the keys." Ricky chuckled and gave me the keys. "Thanks babe." I kissed his cheek that wasn't bruised and then walked out to the car.

"Look Ricky, I told you not to go in with me, now look what happened." He sighed, "Your worth every punch." he chuckled. "Why?" I wondered. "Because I love you Jess, I've always loved you and you were always blind to it. I know our lives are a little rushed, but I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled. "Your such a hopeless romantic." I laughed. "Only for you."

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now