What Do You Say?

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Ricky's POV

"Ricky...." she trailed off looking deep into my eyes.

I felt rejection coming.

"Don't you think we're moving a bit quickly? We've only been dating for about five months if you count the time I was away." she asked. "Yes, but Jess we're having a child together and I love you like you wouldn't believe. I don't want to lose you I want you to be my forever. I want to start a family with you and live happily together." I replied. She smiled.

"Then yes, I'll marry you." I hugged her tightly and pressed my lips to hers. "I love you so much." I mumbled against her lips. "I love you more." Jessica replied. I slipped the ring on her finger and she admired it's beauty. "It's gorgeous, how long have you been holding on to this?" Jess asked. "A few hours." I replied. She chuckled. "Well I love it." she said.

"So why don't we get going, if we're going to make the flight back we better leave now." Jess nodded and I helped her pack her suitcases.

Jessica's POV

I can't believe this is all happening so fast. It's so unreal. Is this a dream, did he really just ask me to marry him?

After Ricky helped me pack my bags, I said my thank you's and goodbyes to Franccesca and then we headed to the airport.

When we got on the plane, I sat in the window seat taking in the night sky. I held Ricky's hand in mine and the plane took off.

About an hour into the flight, I started panicking and crying. "What's wrong babe?" Ricky asked. I guessed he noticed my little attack. "I don't know, I'm just freaking out a little. I mean what are we going to tell Chris. I'm clearly pregnant, there's no way around this. And I don't know if the tears are happy tears because we're engaged or I'm just freaking out so bad I'm crying." I replied shakily. "It's okay Jess I'll be with you through it all I promise." he smiled. "I love you." I said. "I love you too. Now get some sleep." Ricky kissed the top of my head and I turned my he's so I was looking out the window and slowly I drifted into a sleep.

Hours later~

"Wake up Jess, we're here." I heard Ricky say. My eyes slowly opened and I realized the plane was slowing down. "Are we landing?" I mumbled half asleep. "Yeah, so wake up a little so we can at least get some coffee on the way home. My eyes opened at the sound of coffee. I heard Ricky chuckle. "I knew that would work on you." I chucked now too. "Of course, coffee is like my drug. You know the feeling, your a coffee addict to so don't make fun." I playfully punched his arm.

"We are now landing, but please stay seated until plane comes to a complete stop." The attendant instructed. "You know I'm actually happy to be home." I looked over at Ricky and he smiled. "Good, cause home isn't the same without you." I don't know why, but that made me want to cry, tears if happiness of course. But I held the waterworks. It's bad enough we were getting looks for the way we dressed never mind crying in public. That would be the complete Freakshow. My makeup would run and it wouldn't be good. Although I'm pretty sure I already look that way from my meltdown a few hours ago.

Ricky held my hand until the plane completely stopped, and then flight attendant told us we were free to go so Ricky let go of my hand and grabbed my suitcases. "You can let me hold one you know, I'm fully capable of holding stuff." I chuckled. "Yeah, I know." Ricky said and then kept walking. I smiled to myself.

How did I get so lucky?

Ricky's POV

When we got to my car, I put Jessica's stuff in the back and then drove to Ryan Ashley's. "Why are we here?" Jess asked once we actually got there. "Because Ryan thinks your going to be mad at her for saying something to me." She looked sad. "I could never be mad at my best friend." Jess replied.

I got out of the car and walked around and opened the door for Jessica. "What's the occasion?" she laughed. I just grabbed her hand, the one with the ring on her finger and led her to the door.

I knocked on the door and we waited a few seconds before Balz opened it. "Oh my god! Jessica." he smiled as wide as he could out of happiness and hugged her tightly. "Ryan!" Josh yelled. "What's the...." Ryan Ashley stood at the door staring at Jess wondering if she was real. "Jessie?" She asked. "Hey Ry, I've missed you so much!" Jessica exclaimed before hugging Ryan too. "And don't worry, I'm not mad at you. I forgive you for telling Ricky." she smiled. "I thought you weren't ever going to talk to me again." Ryan said. "I couldn't do that to my best friend." They both stood there smiling at each other.

"Chris is going to murder me endlessly." I said as I looked over at Josh. "Yeah I know, good luck trying to talk him out of it." He replied. "It's one thing to get with her, but another to get her pregnant and then ask her to marry you." Josh looked stunned. "You what!" he smiled widely. "You asked her to marry you!" I laughed at his sudden outburst. "Yup, and she said yes." it was my turn to smile. "Good job Rick!" Josh said patting me on the back. "Who knew you were a devoted man!" I laughed again.

Suddenly I heard Ryan Ashley scream from the other room. Josh and I ran in there worried. "What happened!" He yelled. Ryan held up Jessica's hand. "You asked her to marry you!" She shrieked. I nodded. "You should've heard how he asked me, it was pretty damn cute if you ask me." Ryan looked over at me and I blushed. "How? Spill now!"

"Well, I kind of said I wanted her to be my forever and that I love her endlessly and I want to start a family with her." I said quietly. "Awe, Rick the hopeless romantic." Josh gushed. "Shut the hell up." I replied to his remark. Josh chuckled to himself and I punched him in the arm. "Ow, that hurt." "Good." I exclaimed.

"Well, we just came by to tell you that she's home. Now we have to go break the news to Chris." Jessica walked over to me and put her arm around my waist. "Wish us luck Ry, we're gonna need it."

"Good luck, and tell me how it goes later." Jess nodded and I grabbed her hand once more.

Now for the hard part.


I just want to say thank you for sticking with this story, I really appreciate it. I also appreciate the comments, some of them keep me entertained and motivated to keep writing for you all. I love the feedback, so don't stop now!

I also wanted to address that I know some of you read my other books as well, so this is for you who do so.

I will be updating this story as well as Fatal more often because those seem to be more liked then my other stories. I will however keep writing those, the updates are just going to be slow. My main priorities are fatal and this story.

Once again thank you guys for sticking with this story, I love you all!!

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