It's Over. I'm Done.

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Chris's POV

I walked upstairs quickly and knocked on Jessica's door. I'm pretty sure she was in here, where else would she be? And she's in here because of Max. I'm not dumb. Okay maybe just a little.

I knocked pretty softly, so I wouldn't come off as the 'let me in right now' kind of person. I come in peace, just let me talk.

When Jess didn't answer the door, I opened it slowly and saw her covered in blankets. "Jessica, it's only me. I think we need to talk."

"No go away, I hate you!" she mumbled into her pillow. "Jessica. Stop being an idiot and listen to me." I stated sharply. "Don't tell me what to do Chris, and this is my room so get out." Haha, she thinks this is her house? Not anymore.

"This isn't your room nor is this your house. You live with your fiancé Ricky remember." I replied. "I hate him too, I will not live with him. I refuse." I had never seen the betrayal in her eyes so strong before. I knew that's exactly what it was. Betrayal. "Jess..." I was cut off.

"Get out!" she screamed. I put my hands up in surrender and left. I figured I would just come back later on and talk to her then.

I closed the door... Okay more like slammed the door behind me and walked back down to the party.

"Hey baby, you alright?" Ashley said from behind me. I didn't say anything. "Chris, come on tell me what's wrong." Again I stayed silent. "Fine don't tell me." I heard anger and annoyance in her voice and her footsteps became distant leaving me alone.

Ugh, now I have to fix shit with Ash too. I figured I would find Ricky and have him talk to Jess even of that was the worst idea ever and then....

My thoughts were cut off. "Hey Chris, I think you should go talk to Ashley. She's outside crying." Allie, Ryan's girlfriend said with sympathy.

"Alright, just give me a minute." I replied. I took a sip of my soda and then headed outside.

"Are you here to apologize to me?" Ashley's voice softly spoke. "Yeah. I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean for that to happen." I sat down on the lawn under the tree and she laid her head against my chest.

"You know this is the best birthday party I've had yet. You really out did yourself it looks wonderful." I complimented. "You think so?" Ashley smiled and looked up at me. "Really." I kissed her softly and we both leaned back against the tree and looked at the stars.

"Have you seen Ricky?" I blurted. "No, I thought he was with you?" she confessed. Well that helps. I took my phone out of my pocket and just texted Ricky. I told him to go talk to Jessica and that she was in her room. He didn't reply, so I'll just take that as he got the message.

"So I have a surprise for you." Ash winked. "Oh yeah?" I smiled. She got off of the ground and pulled me up with her. "Close your eyes." she instructed. "Yes ma'am." I chuckled and closed my eyes. She took my hand in hers and ended up leading me upstairs somewhere.

I wonder what the surprise is?

Ricky's POV

Once I got Chris's text, I ran up the stairs and walked into Jessica's room. I wanted to know why she was hiding in her room this whole time. What happened to her? Cause everything that could've happened to her concerns me.

"Baby, why are you in here?" I laughed trying to make her feel better.

"Get the fuck out Rick!" she seethed. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. "I don't know why don't you go ask Max!" Oh, so this was about Max. I should've known that she would've suspected this.

"What about her?" I crossed my arms across my chest amused by this situation.

"Well, according to Ryan your really good friends" she replied. "Really good friends." she repeated pausing after every word. "What's so bad about having friends?" I'm pretty sure this answer wasn't going to be pretty.

"Oh it's totally fine to have friends Ricky, just not those kinds of friends. You know f friends with benefits." She thought I was cheating. I laughed to myself. "What's so funny?"

"I'm not cheating Jessica, she has a boyfriend." I relied. "That doesn't mean you still can't cheat!" she yelled. I don't think she gets it. "What makes you think I'm cheating on you?" I asked curious of her answer. I really wanted to know what motivated the accusation.

"She's wearing your necklace!" Jessica shouted annoyed. She thinks I don't get it. "And? I gave that to her as a birthday present." I replied. Her face immediately softened. But just slightly.

"Even ask Chris! I'm guessing that's what he came in here to talk to you about. But being your stubborn self didn't want to listen." Her face softened even more. "Oh my god, I'm so stupid." Jess muttered to herself. "Baby, your not stupid." I replied. "Don't call me that!" she screamed.

"Why are you still mad?" I replied stunned. "Because you used me!" she screamed once more. My fucking word. "I didn't use you either! I love you and your so stupid to even think that!" I was the one screaming now.

To think that she thought that. It pissed me off and it hurt me too.

"How am I stupid? Did you think that I wouldn't figure it out!" She growled. "There is nothing to figure out Jess! I didn't do anything wrong! Honestly do you think I would've fucked you if I didn't care for you! Did you think that I would go behind Chris's back and then get beat up for it if I didn't love you! Or even go after you when you ran away!" I yelled so loud I'm pretty sure the whole house heard me.

"Ricky..." she replied softly. "Save your breath Jessica, I'm done." I had tears spilling my eyes. How could she think that?

"What do you mean we're done?" she choked out. "What do you think I mean? We're over. Done. There is no me and you! It's over!" I screamed one more time. She can keep the ring I don't care.

I'm not gonna sit around waste my time on someone who can't even trust me. She expects us to get married and have a family together when she has no faith in me?

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now