The Start Of Forever

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Ricky's POV

After I answered the door, which happened to just be Angelo and his girlfriend Kelly, I ended up calling everyone for dinner.

I must say that Jess did and exceptional job, and never even realized that I had Chris buy that pumpkin pie.

After dinner had ended, we watched movies until almost 12 midnight. I then managed to kick everyone out of my house before they stayed any longer. I need my beauty sleep.

A couple of moths later when January rolled around, we prepared for Chris and Ashley's wedding which was now only a couple days away.

"I'm so excited for Chris, he deserves a good girl like Ash. And this is going to be so fun!" Jess squealed like a child. "Yeah, Ash is great and not to mention she and Chris look cute together." Jessica smiled wide.

"I can't wait until this is us Ricky." I leaned over and as I was about to kiss her, Dexter had to cry.

"I'll go get him." I offered. "Thanks babe."

I ran up the stairs into the nursery where Dexter was just sitting there staring at the wall.

"What's wrong buddy?" I cooed. He then proceeded to cry again. I picked him up and spoke sweet nothings into his ear until he calmed down.

"Let's go hang out with mommy okay Dexter." I carried him downstairs and stopped at the bottom of the status when I heard Jessica laughing. And there was a guy with her.

I peeked around the corner and there she was. With.....

I'm sorry it's been a while and this is so short, but I hope you can understand that I've been super busy and had absolutely no time to write in a while because of school and other shit that's been going on.

Love you <3


And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now