Just One Week

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Ricky's POV

When I peeked around the corner with Dexter in my arms, I saw Jess sitting on the couch laughing with a guy.

I sighed when I saw who it was.

"Hey Ry." I muttered a bit tiredly as I walked by. "Hey Rick, I actually came here to talk to you." I looked over at him curiously. "Yeah and if you don't mind alone?" he questioned.

"No problem, I'll leave you for a bit, I was going to meet up with Ryan Ashley and Balz anyways." I nodded and handed her Dexter before she walked out.

"Have fun." I said kissing her lips softly. "I won't be long." Jessica said before heading out.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked now facing Ryan since Jess had left. "Well, Korel said we have to go on tour, the fans are getting anxious. And it's been a little while since we've been out there."  I nodded and Ryan continued.

"It's only for a week though, but we're going to be in the States still, it's kind of just a quick thing before Chris and Ash's wedding which is only two weeks away. Damn. Time is just moving so fast."

I chuckled as did Ryan. "So... since Jess is gone with my child meaning I'm free for the night wanna hang out here? Or we can go someplace else if you'd like." I suggested.

"I would, but Allie wanted to go on a date tonight." I sighed knowing I was going to be alone for a few hours.

"Hey maybe some other time though." I nodded as Ryan pat me on the back. "I've gotta go now, but I promise you'll get the rain check. See ya later."

"Alright, bye. Tell Allie I said hi!" Ryan laughed. "I will." I closed the door behind him softly and went back to siting on the couch.

'What to do... What to do...' I thought over and over. But I came up with nothing.

Ricky: Baby come home I'm lonely.

Jessica: I'll be home around six, I promised Balz I would help him with something.

I mentally slapped myself. That's such a long time from now.

I picked up my phone and made a phone call as I had a brilliant idea.

"Hey can you come over?" I asked.

"Sure anything for you cutie." they replied.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now