Can We Forgive?

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Ricky's POV

I slammed her door after me so hard I thought it was going to fall off and then ran down the stairs. Hot tears still streaming down my cheeks.

"Ricky..." Ryan trailed off. I looked in his direction and everybody was full on staring at me. "Save your breath Ry, I'm not in the mood." I opened the front door and left. Everybody obviously shocked at what just happened.

Chris's POV

"We're here." Ashley said into my ear. I heard Jessica and Ricky arguing, but I didn't let that bother me right now. At least Ashley told me not to let that happen. This was my party and I needed to enjoy myself.

"A few more steps and you can take the blindfold off." Ashley said quite excited and led me the rest of the way.

"And stop." I stopped in place and removed the blindfold. I looked at Ash and she was sitting next to something on our bed. "What's that?" I smiled. "Come find out." She replied.

I walked up to the bed and sat next to her. I put the box in my lap and opened it slowly. It was a new guitar. I haven't played one in a while, I wondered how she knew that. "Thanks babe! I absolutely love it!" I exclaimed. I really did love it.

"That's not all." she smiled wide. Ashley handed me a small box this time. I ripped the paper off of it and opened the box under the paper.

Inside the box was a Starbucks gift card and a framed picture of us when we first started filming Angel Eyes. And damn did I look hot!

"Awe thanks baby. Your so sweet." I kissed her passionately and then pushed her down on the bed.

"How did you know this was part of the surprise?" she winked.

"I didn't. But now I do." I said as I put my hands up her shirt.


Jessica's POV

It's been a week since Chris's party and I've cried myself to sleep every night since. I can't believe I've fucked up everything. I love him and I can't picture myself with out him.

Suddenly there was another knock on the door. "Go away Chris!" I yelled. He keeps telling me to go after Ricky, but I refuse. He broke up with me so why would he want to get back together with me. Besides I still think he cheated on me with that Max girl. He used me.

"I'm not Chris" a girls voice spoke. Who the hell is that?

I got out of bed and opened the door only to be faced with Max. Of course.

"Why are you here? To ruin my relationship with Ricky even more?" I mumbled. "I'm sorry what did you just say?" Max replied. "Nothing..." I trailed off. "So why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell you the truth." she said. This is going to get interesting. "And that is?" I asked.

"I'm here to tell you that it's not what it looks like." She started.

Sure that's what they all say.

"Ricky and I are just really good friends. I have a boyfriend, and I wouldn't do anything to harm our relationship. So I'm telling you that I didn't cheat on him with Ricky. Ricky and I just happen to get along better than everyone else."


"Okay, so your telling me that I'm an idiot and I was wrong." I asked Max. "Not to be rude or anything, but yes. You are very wrong. I don't even see Ricky in that perspective. Like I would never want to date him."


"I'm sorry Max." I apologized. "It's okay, we all make mistakes." She replied. "Yeah only this was more than a mistake." I mumbled to myself.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now