Chris And Ashley <3

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Two weeks later~

Jessica's POV

Luckily I've been able to fix things with Ricky, and we've been going great. Dexter is now almost a month and a half old and Chris and Ashley's wedding is tomorrow. Big things have been happening. Really big things.

"Ricky? Can you help me zip my dress?" I asked. I was currently trying on my dress for tomorrow making sure it still fit.

"Yeah, let me put Dexter down first." I nodded and waited for him to put our child down on the floor where he was happily playing with his toys.

"You look great babe." Ricky smirked. "Like really good." I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "I love you." I whispered. "And I love you, my dear. Now turn around so I can zip up the dress."


"Do you Chris take Ashley as your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked.

"I do."

"And do you Ashley take Chris to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."
They both smiled at each other and kissed with so much passion.

I wiped the tears away as this was a very emotional moment for me. My brother was getting married to my best friend and I was overjoyed and so happy for them.

I saw Ashley whisper something into Chris's ear and I thought he was going to give himself a chelsea grin from smiling so wide.

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Cerulli." The minister interrupted they're little love fest to only make them smile more.


"May I have this dance my lovely girl." Ricky whispered from behind me. "of course darling. Anything for you." I replied taking his hand in mine.

As we made our way to the dance floor, a slow song came on and Ricky and I enjoyed a romantic dance together. But our moment was ruined soon after when the bride and groom had their first dance. It was a truly beautiful sight I have to admit.

Ashley's dress was stunning on her figure and Chris looked good in one of the many suits he enjoyed to casually wear.

Overall it was a beautiful night and I couldn't wait until my wedding.


"We have an announcement to make." Chris said standing up out of his chair. He pulled Ash up with him and then looked over the wedding party.

"It seems as though there's going to be a new addition to the family." Chris smiled even more. Everyone cheered and clapped for them.

"I'm pregnant!" Ashley smiled just as wide as Chris. Which was pretty damn wide.

"Oh my god! Ricky we're going to have a nephew!" Ricky chuckled.

"Glad to know I'm not the only one in the dad club now." now it was my turn to laugh. "Is that even a thing?."

"It is now."

*Sorry if things seem speeded up a little, but this story is coming to a close and I hope you really enjoyed it. Only one more chapter :'(*

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