Shocking News

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Jessica's POV

It's about a month into their tour and I've been feeling sick ever since they left. I think I might have the flu. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Ricky: hey baby, are you feeling any better?

Jessica: not really, I've been throwing up a lot

It's so sweet that he cares about me like that.

Ricky: Jess, you should really go see a doctor sometime soon

Jessica: I'll be fine Ricky

Ricky: promise me you'll go? For me?

Jessica: okay I promise I'll go tomorrow

Next day~

I've decided that I would take Ryan Ashley with me to the doctors so I don't have to go alone. I hate doctors offices and hospitals.

"Are you ready to go in?" Ryan asked me. "Not really, you know I hate coming here." I replied. "You'll be just fine, you do know they help you right?" She chuckled. I nodded. I know doctors help you, but some of them are just down right assholes. And the place gives me the creeps. Everything white doesn't exactly for my style either. I think Ryan Ashley and I are going to be the Freakshow today.

I opened the door and sure enough all eyes began to wander in our direction.

"Go grab us a seat and I'll sign you in." Ryan Ashley offered. I nodded and sat down.

When Ryan Ashley came back, she sat next to me and smiled. Why would she smile? "The nurse said that she'll call you in, in ten minutes." She said sweetly. I don't know if she's trying to make me feel comfortable, but it's not working.

Ten minutes later a doctor came around. "Mrs. Jessica Olson?" She called. Ryan nudged my arm. "So that's why you were smiling you bitch." I whispered. Ryan grinned and I just chuckled.

We got up and followed her into the room.

"Make yourselves comfortable, and I'll be right back." The doctor smiled as she walked out of the room.

"So, are you and Rick dating yet." Ryan Ashley smiled. "Actually yes." I stated. "What?! I was just kidding!" She shrieked happily. I laughed once more then nodded my head. "How long?" Ryan wondered. "A month and a half. He asked me out on our 'blind date'." I replied. "Why haven't you told me!" I felt bad for not saying anything but we were keeping it a secret. "We were trying to keep it a secret." I said guiltily. "Oh." Ryan replied. "Why?"

"We didn't want it to slip out to Chris somehow." I replied. "Oh, well don't worry I won't tell anyone! Your secret is safe with me." She smiled. "Thanks Ryan Ashley."

The doctor came back in the room. "So what's wrong Mrs. Olson?" The doctor asked sweetly. "Well, I've been vomiting for about a week and a half, and my stomach has been aching before that." I replied. "Alright, we are going to take some tests and get back to you tomorrow, so just leave your number at the front desk before you leave." I nodded my head.

After the doctor took all of the tests, I wrote down my number at the front desk and the receptionist agreed to call me tomorrow sometime.

Next day~

It's been all day, and I just want to find out what's wrong with me. I'm getting really anxious to know. I just want to feel better knowing I'm okay.

I decided to call Ricky.

"Hey Ricky." I said into the phone once he picked up. "Hold on let me just step outside." He replied. I heard the bus door open and then close. "Did you go to the doctors yesterday?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah, but they didn't exactly tell me what was wrong, I'm still awaiting a call." I replied. He grew silent. "Sorry, but I have to go, text me when you find out alright?" I nodded and then realized that he couldn't see me. "I'll text you later, bye." I responded. "Alright, bye babe." I hung up the phone and called Ryan Ashley to come over and keep me company. I'm sure she's pretty lonely right now too.

Once I was done calling Ryan Ashley, I waited for her to get to my house so we could wait for the answer I needed and then just hang out. She was happy that I asked her to come over because she was sitting at home alone watching horror movies. I told her to bring the horror movies over here so we could watch them together.

Ryan came over not even ten minutes later, and we put in Sinister. I love that movie.

Suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered. "Hey Jess is everything okay? Ryan Ashley told me that you weren't feeling well." Chris spoke from the other end of the line. "Yeah I'm fine, I just caught a cold is all, I'll be fine." I replied. "That's good to know, I'll call you later we're about to go on. Bye Jess, love you." Chris said. "Bye, love you too Chris." I replied and then hung up. "Chris?" Ryan Ashley asked. I nodded my head. "Sorry, he's your brother so I thought he should know you weren't feeling the best at the moment." I loved how my friends cared for me. "No, don't be sorry, he had a right to know, he's my brother after all." I replied.

Suddenly my phone rang again.

This time it was the doctor.

"Put it on speaker." Ryan Ashley asked. I nodded my head and did so.

"Hello, is this Jessica?" the lady behind the phone asked. "This is Jessica." I replied. "We've got your results back and it looks like everything is just fine." she stated. I smiled thankful. "Then why do I feel sick all the time lately?" I wondered.

"Well congratulations, your pregnant!" my smile dropped instantly. "Thank you for calling." I replied then him up the phone.

No no no no no! this can not be happening!

"What?" Ryan Ashley asked. "How?" she finished. I smiled sadly. "Oh my god! It's Ricky's isn't it." she said. I nodded and then broke down into tears. How am I supposed to keep this from them?

"Please, whatever you do don't ever tell Chris or Ricky!" I cried. Reluctantly Ryan Ashley agreed to never tell them. "Do you want me to stay here or do you want me to leave?" she asked. "Can I have some time alone? I know I invited you over and now I'm being a bitch and kicking you out."

"No it's perfectly fine, I understand, if I were you I would feel the same way." Ryan picked up her purse and walked out the door leaving me alone to myself.

Jessica: the doctors called

Ricky: and??

Jessica: don't worry about it they said I just had a little stomach bug, no biggie.

Ricky: thank goodness, I thought you had the flu or something. Well get some rest, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Jessica: okay, talk to you tomorrow

I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. No one can know about this. Ever.

It's just too bad he won't get to talk to me tomorrow.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now