Product Of Lust

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Ricky's POV

"It's time Rick!" Jessica yelled with pain clearly evident in her voice.

"What?" I asked "Now?" I saw the pain in her eyes and the answer became clear. This was happening right now.

I was going to be a father... That seemed a little strange to say.

Conveniently we were in the hospital, so I called out for help.

"Can I get some help? My girlfriend is kind of in need of some right now!" I shouted hoping to catch someone's attention. And luckily a nurse saw us and approached Jessica with caution.

"Miss, your going to need to stay calm. Just breathe, and if you wouldn't mind following me so I can get you a room." She said sweetly.

At least she didn't come off as a bitch. I like her already.

I held Jessica's hand and helped her walk to the room she was given. It wasn't really far, just down the hallway actually.

"I'm scared Ricky." Jess blurted. "You'll be just fine babe, I know you can do this." I replied. Honestly I was probably just as scared as she was.

But at the same time I was excited to meet our little girl or boy. We've decided to keep it a surprise until the day came, which happens to be today.

Four Hours Later~

"Congratulations Miss Cerulli and Mr Olson, it's a boy!" the nurse said cheerfully. I looked at Jess and saw pure happiness in her eyes. "I love you babe." I said as I kissed her lips. "I love you too." she replied.

"Would you like to hold your son now?"

I shook my head yes and was handed my little boy. "Hey buddy." I cooed. "I'm your daddy, and that's your mommy." I said pointing to Jess even though he probably couldn't hear or see me.

"Can I hold him?" Jessica asked. I nodded and handed him over. "Hey little Christopher Dexter." she smiled. "Let's just hope he's not like your brother because then we'd be screwed." I laughed and so did Jess.

"Speaking of my brother, you should probably call him and let him know." She replied. "I'll just go see Chris and tell him. Do you think you'll be okay alone?" I asked. "Yeah I'll be just fine Rick, go tell Chris I think he needs to know." I nodded and left.

I walked just down the hallway and into Chris's room to find that Ashley was still here talking to him.

"Hey Ash, I thought you would've left by now." I said. "I have nothing better to do." she shrugged.

"Well, I came here to bring you both good news." I smiled wide. "I can go home!" Chris shouted extremely happily. Well now I know what Chris and Jessica agree on... Hating hospitals.

"Actually that's not all what I was about to say." I looked at Chris and he was a bit confused. "Then what is it?" he asked.

" Came to tell you that..." Chris cut me off. "Wait, did you bring me coffee!" he squealed. "No, why would I come all the way back here to do that? Now do you want to see your nephew or not? I exclaimed.

"Wait you mean to tell me that my sister had the baby?!" he shouted happily. "Yup." I replied.

"Oh my god! Take us to see our nephew now! I want to see him!" Ashley said in awe.

"Alright, just follow me, although I can't promise that you'll be able to see him tonight. Jess might be sleeping by now." I said.

They both nodded and hurried themselves out of the room after me.

"Stay here, I want to see is she's still awake." they both nodded once more, and I opened the door.

Luckily for them she was still awake and holding our son.

"Your brother and Ash want to see him." I smiled. "Is it okay if I let them in?" I added.

"Of course, just tell them to be quiet."

I opened the door and held it open for Chris and Ashley. "Be quiet." I said as they walked passed me. "Sure thing Rick." Chris smiled wide and walked passed me as well as Ash.

"Hey Jess how are you holding up?" Ashley asked her. "I've been better." Jessica chuckled. "Did you want to hold your nephew." she added. Ashley nodded and smiled really wide.

"I hope she doesn't get any ideas." Chris whispered to me and I chuckled.

"Did you want to hold him too?" I asked Chris. He shook his head no. "Why not?" I replied. "Not really good with kids." he answered. "Come on it's not that bad." Chris smiled. "Fine."

"So what's the little cuties name?" Ash cooed. "Christopher Dexter Olson." Jessica smiled looking me on the eyes. I smiled back a genuinely happy smile for the first time in a while. "We named him after you." Jess added looking at Chris now.

"Really? Even after what I've done to you...?" Chris trailed off.

"Look man, that's all in the past." I replied. "Yeah, and no matter how mad you make me, I'll always still love you. Your my brother Chris." Jess added.

Chris looked like he was going to cry tears of joy. "Awe don't cry Chris, this is supposed to be a happy moment. Now here..." Ashley said while holding little Chris out to him. Well Dexter, because we've decided that we'd just call him that so the two wouldn't be messed up.

Chris took Dexter and held him in his arms looking proud. Proud of his sister, what she's become, and what his own life has become.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now