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Ricky's POV

I'm starting to get worried, I've called Jess three times and she won't answer her phone. Jessica told me she was alright yesterday but now I feel as though she's hiding something from me. I can't take the silence. We're playing a home show in a couple days, so I'll talk to her then.

Jessica's POV

I'm packing my belongings, and preparing for my trip to California. Eventually I knew I would have to come home, so I'll wait till after the baby is born and then explain everything. I know I said I would never come back, but It would be easier this way. Ricky is the father and I feel as though he has a right to know about his child in the future.

I'm going to go stay in California with Franccesca DeStruct, the bassist of Kuza. I've known her through Motionless for a while now and we've become close friends over the years.

Before I left, I wrote Chris a note and placed it on the counter where I knew he would see it.

When I was done, I grabbed my bags and headed to my car. I put all of the bags in the trunk, closed it and then pulled out my phone. I think that it was only right that someone knew where I was in case of an emergency. And since Ryan Ashley knew what was going on I would just confide this information with her.

"Hey Jess, did you need me to come back over?" Ryan asked sadly. "No I just wanted to tell you that I'm leaving. I'm not coming back for a while and since you know about my situation I figured I would let you know where I'm going in case of an emergency." I replied. "Okay, you can tell me anything." I could hear her crying on the other end of the phone.

"Look Ryan I'm really sorry about this but Chris and Ricky can't know. But listen, I'm going to Franccesca's house to live with her for a bit so I can sort things out." I stated. "Okay, but just so you know, I love you like my sister Jess so this isn't going to be easy." I could clearly hear the tears.

"I promise you one day I'll be back. I love you too Ryan and I owe you big time. I've gotta catch my flight now." I myself was beginning to cry. "Bye Jess, don't be away too long." she continued to cry. I hung up the phone and got in my car.

I drove to the airport in complete silence and caught my flight just in time to California.

Franccesca was waiting for me at the airport, so I just met her at the Starbucks there. "Hey Jessie! How's everything back home?" Franccesca asked. I think I needed to explain everything now. "Everything's fine, Ricky and I are... I mean were dating. Everyone else is doing just fine. Chris is with Ashley Costello now (haha not yet at least!) and Balz and his girlfriend are doing well as are Allie and Ryan." I stated.

"That's good! But what happened to you? I just don't understand why you're here." Fran said confused. "Well, Ricky and I got together secretly a month and a half ago, and I guess I totally abided by the rule of don't fuck on the first date and now I'm pregnant..?" I said trailing off.

"I'm sure Ricky would understand. You should've stayed for him." Her voice was laced with sadness. "Chris told me I couldn't date Ricky because it would ruin his band, so we secretly hooked up and now here I am trying to find a way out. Chris can not know about this under any circumstance. He wouldn't understand." I replied. Franccesca nodded her head understandingly.

"Your welcome to stay with me as long as you need." she said. "Thank you so much Franccesca." I replied as I hugged her tightly. She just chuckled.

Three days later - home show day~

Ryan Ashley's POV

Today the guys come home and I'm nervous that I might slip some information I'm not supposed to. Honestly when it comes to family I feel as though they have a right to know about other family members. Especially since Chris is her sister and Ricky is the father of her child. That's pretty important information they don't have.

Suddenly the door unlocking broke me from my thoughts. Shit. Josh is home.

"Hey babe! I'm home!" I heard him yell. This is not going to be easy at all. I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer. "Hey baby I missed you!" I said shakily. He's not going to buy into my lies he's smart. "What's wrong?" Josh asked me. "Nothing Josh, don't worry about it." I said quietly. "Ry, come on tell me what's wrong. Don't lie to me either." He said sternly. I sighed. "Listen Josh, I'm going to tell you this when I promised I wouldn't say anything to anyone. So that means you have to promise me you aren't going to say anything either. To anyone." This time it was my turn to be stern. He nodded.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now