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This gif though...

Ashley's POV

So tomorrow is Chris's birthday, and I have the best party planned out for him. Well a pretty damn good one. And tonight I had to confide in Jess about all of the details. I mean she was the one bringing him here and all.

I was currently setting up the house as a somewhat recreation of the Angel Eyes music video we did together. It was romantic in a unromantic way since we were just friends at the time. I wanted to change that since things really have changed for the better over time.

"And done!" I said out loud to no one as I hung the last streamer. I needed to be alone in Chris and I's house so I could set up, so Angelo offered to take Chris out for wings as a distraction, the he was going to sleep over there and hopefully stay over there. Last time Ange asked him to sleep over he came home because he missed me. Like no Chris, just hang out with your friends. Our relationship can get put on hold for a couple hours.

Ashley: All done, if you want to see, come over here.

Jess: alright be there in a few, I'm bringing Ricky.

About fifteen or so minutes later there was a knock on the door who happened to be Jess and Ricky who already arrived. That was quick.

"Come in guys!" I exclaimed. I hope they love it.

"Damn Ash you really out did yourself! This is amazing." Ricky complimented. "Awe thanks Rick!" I said as I went in for a hug.

"Excuse me, but your bestie doesn't get a hug!" Jessica cried sarcastically. I laughed. "I love you too Jess, now where's that hug. Just bring it in." I laughed while holding my arms out.

"It looks fantastic, Chris will love it!" Jessica complimented this time. "Wait till you see the surprise I got him!" I laughed. "Let me see." she squealed.

"Follow me, Jess only!" I said looking in Ricky's direction. "Ugh you girls and surprises." he sighed. Jess and I both chuckled.

We walked about three feet before.....

Oh shit.

Once again there is a cliffhanger! Sorry about the length, but I like the suspense!

What do you think happened? Or is going to happen in the next chapter?

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now