Your Fucking Mine

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Here's a gif of Chris and Ashley ;) and the Angel Eyes video because what the hell.

Chris's POV

"This one is perfect." I thought out loud. "That's perfect." Ricky confirmed.

'I'll take this one!" I exclaimed happily to the jeweler.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" she said snootily. "It's like a reminder of death, why would you want that?"

I have her a dirty look and she backed up.

"Because I like it and so will my girlfriend so shut the fuck up." I replied, the bitch walked away and put the ring in a box.

She came back seconds later with it in a velvet box. "Thanks" I said as I grabbed the box from her.

The ring was beautiful and perfect for Ashley. I just hope she says yes.

Anyways the ring has a black diamond in the shape of a coffin in the middle of the band and two rubies, one on each side of the coffin.

Black and red, just like Ashley's hair haha!

As soon as I took the ring, I sped walk out the door.

I don't know if the nerves were getting to me or if it was just that she was a major bitch.

I hated her.

"Did you happen to find her rude?" Ricky asked. I nodded my head. "She was a bitch forget a little rude."I replied which made him laugh.

The reason I asked Ricky to come with me was because the ring he got my sister was just incredible.

It has a dark white diamond in the center connected to the band by guitar strings. It was quite the sight.

"You ready for this man?" Ricky asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be." I replied.

The whole ride home was quiet and relaxing, although my palms got really sweaty.

When we made it to mine Ashley's is when I started freaking. My heart was racing a mile every minute.

"Dude, calm down before you have a stroke." Ricky chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

I can't say it wasn't noticeable that I was nervous. Like I said before my palms were sweaty, but my nerves took it up a notch and now I was shaking terribly.

"Have Ashley bring you home, or you can stay the night." he said with a wink. "Your a loser. But wish me luck."

"Good luck!" Ricky yelled when I was halfway down the drive way. I just waved and kept walking.

"Ashley?" I called when I opened the front door.

She came running down the hall. "Hey baby!" she shouted as she jumped into my arms.

I might as well do this now and get it over with.

"What's up?" she asked now worried. I laughed. "No need to be worried babe, except I might." she looked confused.

"You know I love you with all of my heart right?" she nodded. "What's this about Chris?"

I got down on one knee and reached into my back pocket pulling out the velvet box.

"Ashley, I honestly can't see myself spending my life with anyone else but you. I love you will all of my heart and I came here today to make you the future Mrs. Cerulli. So what do you say?" my voice was breaking from the nerves and I was out of breath after holding in a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I stared at Ashley and she was crying a river. I thought that there would be a flash flood right there in her living room.

"Of course Chris, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you so much!" she hugged me as if she would lose me and then kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"Good, because your fucking mine, love."

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