Home For The Holidays

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Jessica's POV

We've been home with our charming little Dexter for about two weeks now, and currently preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for my Motionless family. And to celebrate Ash and Chris getting married in a couple months of course.

In a little less than two months my brother will actually be married.

It's weird to think that considering Ricky and I were engaged first. But because of our little bundle of joy we've postponed it to next December. I mean what's the rush right?

"Ricky, can you help me!" I yelled from the kitchen. I was trying to make pumpkin pie, but I didn't know what it needed. So why not ask the pumpkin expert right?

"What babe?" Ricky said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Can you taste this and tell me what it needs?" I asked sweetly. "Yeah sure, what is it?" I laughed. If he can't tell what it is then that's a bad sign.

"It's supposed to be pumpkin pie you moron!" I replied chuckling. He just stared at me and then tasted the pie.

"Well...?" I trailed off. "You know it's not bad, but I bet I can do better.." he bluffed. "Okay then mr.I-can-do-better. I'll be upstairs getting Dexter ready." Ricky nodded his head and began getting some ingredients.

Ricky's POV

While Jess was upstairs with Dexter, I had called Chris and asked him to bring over a pumpkin pie ASAP.

It meant that he'd be here earlier, but that also meant I didn't have to cook anything. I mean she actually believed I could cook something? That's funny.

About twenty minutes later, Chris was already knocking on our door.

"Come in!" I shouted. Chris and Ashley walked in, Chris of course was the one carrying pie.

"Thanks man." I said as I grabbed the pie and took it out of the box before throwing the box out so it wasn't suspicious.

"Why don't you go put in a movie while we wait for everyone else?" I suggested.

"I'm picking the movie!" Ashley shouted before running into the living room to pick it out.

I chuckled as Chris followed behind laughing to himself. They are so cute together I swear.

I went back over to the pie, and cut it into little pieces so we'd have enough for everyone and then placed it on the table next to the rest of the food.

I as well went into the living room when I was done to find that Ashley hadn't picked out a movie. In fact she and Chris were arguing about which one to watch.

The Lost Boys, or The Nightmare Before Christmas. Both of them I've seen a million times, so I just picked a random movie and threw it in.

"Problem solved." I muttered to myself.

I sat on the couch while Chris and Ash were still arguing and tried to watch the movie that they were completely oblivious to.

"Simmer down children! I'm trying to watch the movie!" I shouted. They both stopped and looked at the tv.

"Yeah, I put in a movie, so sit down and enjoy it." I chuckled. Chris was the first one to sit down. Ashley soon followed and sat down next to Chris snuggling into his side.

Just as I relaxed into the couch, there was another knock on the door.

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