The Party Plan

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Jessica's POV

When we finally arrived at Ryan and Allie's house, I saw that Chris's car was already in the driveway. Fuck. I was hoping he wouldn't be here for a while.

"You alright Jess?" Ricky asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, let's just go in and have a good time together shall we?" I replied. I saw Ricky smile from the corner of my eye.

He got out of the car and then walked around and opened my door before I had time to open it myself. He grabbed my hand like a true gentleman and helped me out of the car. "Such a gentleman." I smiled. "Only for you, love." Love? Maybe he was just doing it to be sweet.

I stepped out of the car and released Ricky's hand. He turned and looked at me with this unfamiliar gleam in his eyes. I don't know what it was, but it was welcoming.

As I stepped through the front door of Allie and Ryan's house, the smell of food cooking and cigarettes filled the air. I looked around to see who was here, and I only saw Allie, Ryan (clearly), Angelo, Balz, Ryan Ashley, and Chris. I also happened to see Ashley Costello from New Years Day talking to him. For once, Chris truly looked happy.

"Hey!" Allie shouted making me chuckle. Good ole' Allie. "Hey boo! What's up?" I laughed as I embraced her in a tight hug. She held up her hand. A shiny silver band with a beautiful diamond was latched on to her finger. I gasped in pure joy. "It's about damn time Ry!" I yelled looking at Ryan. He just smiled and Allie walked over to him and planted a kiss on his lips. I wish I had a boyfriend like that. But Chris has to ruin everything.

I looked over at Chris and he was still talking to Ashley. I approached him quietly and stood there hoping he would see me from the corner of his eye. Nope, five minutes later and I'm still standing there.

"Sorry to interrupt, but may I talk to Chris alone?" I asked Ashley. She gave me a dirty look and walked away. I never assumed her to be the rude type. "What do you want Jessica?" Chris asked harshly. "Stop being a bitch Chris and listen to me." He gave me a glare but then his eyes relaxed meaning he was listening. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you. I'm 23 years old, I can take care of myself and I don't understand why you can't get that through your thick skull." I replied.

He looked almost guilty knowing that I was right, but then he began to fight back. "I know how old you are Jess, but that doesn't mean I can't help..." He started. "I don't want your help!" I shouted angrily. "Fine, you don't want my help, then get heartbroken and hurt and see if I care. Go date anyone you want." I smiled. I also knew that he didn't mean that he didn't care because he'd still kick someone's ass for hurting me anyways. "But that still excludes Rick." He whispered in my ear to make sure no one heard. I gave him a pleading look but he just shook his head no. Whatever, I was happy that I made that much progress. And besides, I'll get Ricky. Just watch.

I gave Chris the tightest hug. "Can I come home now?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. He laughed and shook his head yes. I guess as much as I hate to leave Ricky early I'm going to go home tomorrow.

I let go of Chris and began to walk up the stairs toward the bathroom. I really had to pee. As I was walking down the hallway once I made it up the stairs, someone pinned me to the wall. I looked over and guess who it was. Ashley.

"Listen, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I know you like Chris and all I'm saying is back off, I saw him first. I've liked him for a really long time and he finally noticed me after a while. Can you please find a place in your heart to back off?" She said kindly. I knew she wasn't a bitch, she was just jealous. I chuckled in response.

"I'm his sister, so he's all yours Ash." I smiled. "Oh my god! I'm so so so sorry!" She said embarrassed. "No, don't apologize, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I know what your going through. Jealousy would hit me like a shit ton of bricks too." I smiled.

"Can we not mention this?" She asked hopeful. "Of course. On one condition though." I replied. "Sure?" Ashley answered hesitantly. "Can you help me get with Ricky?" Now it was my turn to be hopeful. Ashley's eyes lit up and she smiled brightly. "Of course!!" She squealed. "Just don't tell Chris! He doesn't want me dating Ricky." I added quickly. Ashley just looked at me with a look of confirmation. I knew she wouldn't say anything she's a really good person.

I went to the bathroom and did my business before heading back downstairs to find Chris and Ashley making out on the couch. I turned around and instantly collided with a figure. "I'm so sorry!" Angelo blurted. "It's alright Ange don't worry about it." I assured. I gave him a huge hug.

"How's Kelly?" I asked after some silence. "Angelo smiled wide. "She's doing really well. I'm kind of bummed that she couldn't be here tonight with me though. Kell had to work". "Next time I'll make sure she'll come and hang with us." I laughed.

"I've missed you Ange." I said. "I've missed you too Jess." He replied as we went for another embrace. We let go of each other and then sat there taking in the fresh air by the pool.

That is until Ricky came outside.


"H-hey Jess!" he shouted a little too loud for my liking. "Go back in the house Ricky, you're drunk and I'm not dealing with your shit right now." I said.

He always tended to put up a lot of shit when he's drunk and everyone always makes me clean up his mess. And when I mean mess, I mean taking care of his drunk ass.

Luckily, he's really sweet and doesn't pull shit when he's sober. I think it's because he's too socially awkward to do anything. "I love y-you Jessica!" He shouted loudly. Not again. He kept walking towards me. I looked at Angelo, but he just gave me a weird look.

Suddenly when I looked back over at Ricky, he was right in front of me. He placed a kiss on my lips once again. "W-will you be m-my girlfriend Jessica!" he shouted again. I shook my head and pushed Ricky in the pool. "Asshole!" I yelled.

I ran in the house and grabbed Chris by the arm. "What do you want?" He asked softly. "I-I want to go h-h-home!" I sniffled. "What happened Jess?" he said sternly. "That's not important right now, let's just go home!" I yelled. Chris looked at Ashley with guilty eyes. "Ashley you're coming with us." I blurted and then walked out the front door and made my way to Chris's car.

Ricky's POV

I kissed her. I finally gathered up a good way to do it. Although she didn't kiss back, it was pretty special. "W-will you be m-my girlfriend Jessica!" I shouted so loud I thought the neighbors would call the cops for disturbing the peace. Or Chris would come out and beat the shit out of me. She looked at me angrily and sad then pushed me into the pool. "Asshole!" she yelled and then stormed off into the house.

"How pissed do you think she'll be in the morning?" Angelo asked. "I don't know man, but I'll bet she's going to be flipping shit." I replied. Ange then proceeded to help me out of the pool.

"Keep up the drunk act, it was working for you. She believed it." He replied. I smiled and then nodded. I sat by the pool for about ten minutes and no sign of Chris quite yet. Should I go back in the house? Should I stay out here?

I decided to go back in the house. Luckily for me, Chris wasn't there and neither was Jessica. "Where did Chris and Jess go?" I asked Ryan Ashley.

"They left a few minutes ago. I'm guessing you did it?" I nodded yes. "Jess will get over it Rick don't worry about it." Ryan knew exactly what I was thinking. I mean why would I start to worry now? Jess got over it the first time didn't she? I just hope she doesn't hate me and Chris doesn't beat the shit out of me. I need my arms if I want to play guitar.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now