Time To Party

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Ricky's POV

"Jessica, it's time to go babe." I whispered in her ear. After I brought her home she woke up but then went up to our room and slept. "Go where?" she mumbled.

"To your brothers birthday party remember?" She sat up so fast I thought she would snap her back.

"Slow down Jess." I chuckled. "What time is it?" she asked. "it's 12:30, we have a half hour to get your brother to his house. Wow that sounds weird." Jessica laughed. "Well help me out of bed so we can go!" She reached out her hands to me and I took them in my own and helped her up.

"Alright let's go get my brother." Jess said after she finished her makeup and got dressed.

"Alright, let's go."

When we got to Angelo's house, I got out of the car and knocked on the door. Jess ended up telling him that Ash was having all of the girls over for a sleepover and I guess that was enough to keep him away.

Moments later Angelo opened the door. "Hey Ange! I haven't seen you in a while!" I exclaimed as we went on for a brotherly hug. "I know, I miss my Motionless boys." My heart still hurts thinking about the moment he told us he was leaving the band.

"Is Chris in here somewhere it's time to go." I changed the subject realizing we didn't have much time. "Yeah let me just get him." Angelo turned around and walked into his house just al little bit. "Chris! Get your ass down here!" He yelled. "He's still getting ready. Might take a while." I just nodded.

About five minutes later he walked down the stairs his eyebrows drawn flawlessly. "Are you ready now? I want to go back home sometime today, Ash instructed me to pick you up no if,ands, or buts." I said faking an attitude.

"God your more moody than my pregnant sister." Chris replied. Angelo laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go." I sighed still faking that attitude.

When we got back in the car, Chris sat in the back since Jess was in the front and actually stayed quiet.

"Hey Jess, it's nice to see you sis." Nevermind, he's Chris he can't be quiet for five minutes. Who am I kidding?

"Hi." she replied. I could tell Jessica was being quiet because she couldn't keep secrets for long amounts of time. And a twenty minute ride to Ashley and Chris's was quite a while. And to kill some tension, I turned on some AFI.

"So what are you guys up to?" Chris asked. "Oh nothing, you know planning a wedding and stuff like that." I replied. "Awe how cute. Ash and I should probably do that soon." Jessica turned in her seat so fast I thought her neck would break. What's up with the sudden movements today?

"What!" she shrieked. "Baby don't yell, I'm driving." I said. She made me him with the outburst. "Oh right, you probably didn't know I proposed to Ashley." Chris smiled wide. "Awe! Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

"I was busy." he replied. "And I was saving it for tonight." I already knew this, who do you think went wit him to get the ring? That's right, I did.

"We're here." I parked the car and Chris got out speed walking to his house. "Wait!" Jess yelled. He looked confused. "You forgot your bag in the car." Chris simply walked back to the car and grabbed his bag. By this time I was waiting with my hand on the door ready to open it.

"Move Rick! I wanna see my girlfriend." Chris whined. "more like get in her pants" I mumbled. "What was that?"

"Oh nothing." I said laughing.

"Ready?" I asked Jess. She shook let head and I opened the door.

"What the hell?" Chris asked confused. Ashley had turned all of the lights off.

But soon enough they turned on and everyone shouted.


"Holy fucking shit!" Chris gasped. Everyone started laughing.

"Happy Birthday!" someone shouted over the laughter. Oh my god! It was Max! "Bestie!" I shouted and she looked at me. "Bestie!" she shouted back. "Hey Max!" Chris called out. "Hey!" she waved.

I could tell tonight was going to be a good night.

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