Little Clues Pt. 2

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Ricky's POV

After another few hours, everyone had left my house with the exception of Ryan who was about to get kicked out shortly. "Why are you still here Ry? Just go home it's like 11 already." I exclaimed. "I needed to give you something." He replied before handing me a piece of paper. "I'll catch you later Rick." Ryan said before leaving.


I've hidden a little letter in your house for you. I bet you won't find it... But then again your smarter then I am. Anyways, here's the clue:

You are all that I have left and I am lost without you.

And without you I'm hopeless.

I thought about that clue. Or is it more like two clues? I know the first clue is from our song Billy In 4-C Never Saw It Coming, and the second Burned At Both Ends but I can't understand why the two of them are together. And how would these clues relate to my house? I'm so dumbfounded.

Putting this together is hard. Maybe I should just call Ryan.

"Ricky?" Ryan asked through the other end of the phone. "I don't understand any of this Ryan. This is making me so damn confused." I replied frustrated. "You'll get it sooner or later Ricky trust me, just keep thinking." Ryan said before hanging up.

I don't understand any of this. It's making me mad actually.

You are all that I have left and I am lost without you

Okay, so I'm lost without someone.... They are all that I have left....? Well I mean I have a lot of people in my life so I don't know who stands out that's so special.

And without you I'm hopeless

Okay, so without this person I am also hopeless..

Ryan? Allie? No I'm not exactly hopeless without them... Chris? Nope he's not all that I have left.... Devin? Kylie? I don't think so.... Balz? Ryan Ashley? Jessica?..... Wait! Jess! She's definitely all that I have left on my mind and with out her I would definitely be lost. And hopeless romantically. I love her so much. I still don't understand how this relates to my......

The photo album.

I have a photo album of Jess and I and the rest of the band. But it's mostly Jessica and myself.

I walked into the living room and pulled the photo album off of the book shelf. Wouldn't you know it had a letter on it.


So it turns out you actually figured out the clues. Congrats smart ass! So the thing is, I've set you up on a blind date for tomorrow night at 6 so be ready. And be your normal little goth self!


Why would he set me up on a blind date? He knows the only girl I want is Jessica.

Speaking of Jessica, I haven't written a letter to her in forever. And since it's impossible for me to sleep nowadays, I've decided that I'll write her one.


I haven't heard from you in a while and honestly these days have been rough on me. I guess I just need someone to talk to. So, where do I begin. I'll just start with the fact that I've made some really big mistakes lately and I know that it's going to take a lot to make amends with this person I've made upset. I just hope they can see that I'm truly sorry and I did what I did for a good reason. Also, I've needed some guidance in my life on what exactly to do withy life. My head is spinning around all of these possibilities that could happen to me if I do what I've wanted to do for a while, which I can't quite tell you because it's a complicated matter. And I'm guessing it wouldn't end well, so I'm kind if debating if I even still want to do it.

Anyways, take care and I hope to see you soon.

P.S. I still can't believe you haven't figured it out yet.

~your secret admirer ;)

I left the letter on the kitchen table and went upstairs to my room where I just laid until sleep consumed me.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now