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I was just pulling into Na'Jai's driveway to pick up Tae and Leona. Too tired to get out I honked the horn. A few seconds later the door opened and Jai stood there with her hands on her hips. She looked cute but I wasn't really in the mood for a lot of talking.

"Get your ass out the car. I haven't seen you all day. Can I at least get a hug?" She yelled.

I motioned for her to come over to my car. Rolling her eyes she closed the door and walked over. Leaning down she looked into my car, searching my face for whatever she was looking for.

When she didn't find it she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Her lips were so soft. I moaned softly into her lips causing her to smirk mid kiss.

"Can I get in?" She asked.

I unlocked the doors and climbed to the backseat. She slid in and got in my lap. Locking eyes with her she asked me how my day was. I sighed heavily and told her it was busy and chaotic. She sat quiet while I talked. That's the one thing I like about her. She doesn't try to over-talk me or make me feel bad about how I feel.

"How were the girls?"

Laughing she dropped her head. I prepared myself for the worst news I was about to get.

"They were fine. Tae is still sleep and Leona just finished up her homework. Although I think the two have something going on."

My eyebrows raised out of curiosity.

"Something going on like how?"

"Well Leona gave Tae a hickey."

My first honest reaction was to laugh. I wasn't expecting that at all. I sensed Leona was questioning her sexuality, but Tae. I always thought she was going to date boys.

"Babe I'm honestly shocked. I thought Tae was strictly into guys."

"Well to be honest I wouldn't cancel that theory out. She's hurting right now."

I was beyond confused now. Hurting from what exactly? I guess Jai picked up on my confusion and answered my question.

"Baby, Malik was cheating on her. They broke up."

I felt so bad. Where have I been? Has work occupied me that much?

"Fuck. I've been that busy I haven't even paid attention to my own blood."

Jai rubbed my cheek and smiled. We talked for a few more minutes before she got out and said she'd get the girls. I crawled back to the front and waited for them to come out. Once I saw them coming out the door I turned the car back on. Tae got in the front seat and as soon as she did I grabbed her face and turned her head so I could see this hickey Jai was talking about.

"Chana the fuck off me" Tae said grumpy as hell.

"First of all lil bitch watch your mouth. Waking up cranky as hell" I said shaking my head.

Tae just rolled her eyes and turned to look out the window. I turned the music up and pulled out the driveway. I appreciate Jai and Nasir for all they've done for me with my sister. It's about time Tae gets her own car though because I don't have time to be driving her around and neither does Jai or Nasir.

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now