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"What the fuck Tae?! Malik get your ass up, dressed and out my house."

Malik jumped up and covered himself before walking over and grabbing his clothes. I didn't think Chana was going to come in my room this early. I know I'm probably in big trouble for breaking Chana's rules.

No boys over before school
No boys spending the night

Malik is my boyfriend of six months. We haven't had sex yet, but we give each other head. Chana just walked in on him going down on me. I guess I was making too much noise.

"Tae your ass is done. Don't expect anymore freedom. Malik can't come over anymore. I don't know when I'll give you your freedom back. I do not want you eighteen and pregnant by a nigga who doesn't care about you."

I just rolled my eyes because Malik does care. I understand she doesn't want me to get knocked up before I accomplish my dreams, but she overreacts about some stuff.

"Get yourself showered and ready for class. You have an hour."

I didn't even say a word because if I did it would result in us arguing or fighting. We always make up, but today I don't have the energy to argue back. I was in the wrong so I'll just accept whatever happens.

I went to take a shower because Chana is petty enough to leave my ass and make me either walk to school or catch the public bus. I don't want to do either so I'm going to act like I have some sense.


"I'll see you after your classes. Don't do anything dumb I swear."

I flipped her off before hurrying off to my first class of the day. I hated this class but it was apart of my general education classes so I have to take it. When I walked in the professor wasn't there yet. She's never on time and honestly it's annoying.

"Shorty not here again?" I asked my classmate.

She shook her head no with an agitated look on her face.

"She got ten more minutes and I'm leaving. Nobody has time to be waiting on her unprofessional, non punctual ass."

I tried to hide my laughter but it didn't work out too well. Leona is funny as hell. She's the only reason I like coming to this class.

"My sister caught Malik going down on me this morning."

Leona whipped her head so fast. She looked like she was in disbelief. I just nodded my head as if I could read her mind.

"Your ass stay fuckin up I swear. I was just about to ask you to slide out with me after classes too."

I felt bad. Leona is an only child, her mother passed away when she was seven and her father works so much he's never home. She battles with depression and anxiety. I'm pretty much her only friend.

"I'll ask my sister if you can spend the night for a few days. She can say yes or no."

Leona nodded her head. I knew something was up. She tries hard to hide her depression from me, but I know the signs all too well; I'm studying to be a psychologist.

We waited ten more minutes and the professor still hasn't showed up. Leona got up and grabbed her bag. I followed suit and so did a few other students.

"Come on. We're going to the library."

I sucked my teeth. That's the last place I wanted to be. Leona is super smart and takes her studies seriously. I'm glad she's my friend because that attitude rubs off on me from time to time.

Walking into the library, it was empty. Flashing our student ID's we went straight to the third floor. It had the best study lounges and the best computers. Finding a study lounge we closed the door. Leona asked me if she could talk to me and of course I said yes.

"Your sister is a lesbian right?"

I smiled and nodded. I remember when she came out to our parents. Chana was sixteen and had her first girlfriend. I was young at the time, but I knew her "best friend" was more than just a friend. Chana thought our parents would take it hard, but they didn't. Dad didn't care because it meant no accident pregnancies or boys to fight off. Mama struggled a little bit because she wanted grandkids. She eventually got over it though when she saw how happy and free Chana was to just be herself.

"Yup. Gay and proud. Why? What's up?"

Leona lowered her head down. I moved from where I was sitting and sat next to her. Lifting her head I told her to talk to me.

"I think I'm attracted to girls too."

"Ok cool. What's the issue?"

"My dad would kill me if he found out."

"Like literally?"

I was kind of concerned. I know her dad is really strict. He doesn't want her dating or even hanging out with boys, but I didn't know he was that crazy too.

"Maybe. I don't know. He's been on edge lately."

"If you don't feel safe you can always stay with us. I'm sure Chana won't mind. That house is big enough for one more person."

"Thanks! I just wanna talk to her and ask her how she knew she liked women."

I told her I'd text her and ask her if she could spend the night. Hopefully she says yes. I gave Leona a big hug and told her since it was her idea to come to the library she had to actually do some work.


I'm done with my classes. Chana agreed to letting Leona spend the night. I was so happy. Now I'm just waiting for her to get out of her 2:30 class so we can leave. It's 2:50 now, so I have at least another twenty minutes to spare. I decided to go to the cafe and get a smoothie.

When I walked in I saw Malik sitting a little too close to some girl. Instead of showing my ass I stood back and watched. She was touching all over him and laughing at his corny jokes. Just as I was about to approach them he leaned in and gave her a kiss. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I felt sick. Walking up to them I politely told Malik that we were done. He didn't act phased not one bit. He just simply said ok and went back to carrying his conversation. I walked away before tears could run down my face.

"Fuck you Malik."

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now