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November 22nd, 2018
10:22 am


When Leona said what she said my mouth dropped open. I didn't know what to say to be honest. Jai ended up taking the phone and talking to her. Jai told her and Nas to meet us at the police station. I quickly got dressed and made my way out the house, making sure I locked the door.

"I can't believe what I heard. Like who the fuck had Tae's phone and how the fuck did they get it?"

Jai rubbed my leg while she drove us down to the police station. Leona and Nas pulled in right after we did. We all got out the car and walked towards the entrance. My heart is racing and I don't know what to think or how to react.

We were greeted by the woman at the front desk. She recognized our faces and asked us if anything had happened. We explained that it did and she told us to have a seat while she paged the detective in charge of Tae's case.

"He's speaking with an officer right now. He said he'll be out to speak with you all shortly."

We nodded our heads and tried to wait patiently.

"Hi. Sorry to keep y'all waiting. Follow me so we can talk somewhere more private."

Everyone stood to their feet and followed behind the detective. He escorted us into a room and closed the door. Jai and I took a seat while Leona and Nas stood behind us.

"So I'm actually glad you came in today. We've discovered something new in the case and would like to discuss it with you."

Jai glanced over at me and Leona placed her hand on my shoulder. The detective asked us if we knew anyone named Gia. Everyone's body language changed and mine was the one that changed the most.

"What the fuck she do?" I said with anger filling my body.

Jai grabbed my hand and started rubbing her thumb across it trying to calm me down. Am I still grieving? Yes. Am I more angry than sad? Hell yes.

"So" he started but paused. Giving all of us a certain look. "When we fingerprinted your sister's apartment we found a woman's fingerprints all over the place. Her name is Gia. We also found a man's fingerprints around her apartment. The man's fingerprints brought back a name that's never been in the system before and he changes addresses frequently."

Leona shifted her weight on to the other side and let out a heavy sigh. I can tell her patience is growing thin and so is mine.

"We're also aware of calls being made from your sister's phone. There's a big possibility that it could be Gia."

We talked for a few more minutes before the detective had to respond to another case. He escorted us out and told us if we see or hear anything else let him know. We all nodded and waited until he was far enough away.

"Ima kill that bitch. Crazy or not, she fucked with the wrong one."

Jai didn't say anything, but the look on her face let me know that she's scared. Not of me, but what I'm capable of doing. Leona had that same look in her eyes.

"I'm skipping classes today. Something doesn't seem right and I have a bad feeling. Nas lets follow them to their house."

He shook his head and got in the front seat of his car. I saw Leona get in the passengers side and buckle her seatbelt. I'm still shaken up so Jai is driving.

We didn't talk the entire ride back to our house. The only thing that could be heard is the music playing on the radio.

When we pulled up that feeling Leona was talking about grew stronger. Jai cut the car off and slowly stepped out. Looking over at Leona and Nas their faces said it all.

I stuck the key into the doorknob and turned it to open the door. We all stepped in and noticed that the tv is on. Nas closed the door and told us to stay here while he checks it out. I whispered to him that my gun is in the bedroom in the closet. He nodded and made his way through the house.

It was eerily quiet, until we heard gun shots. My heart skipped multiple beats and without a thought or care in the world we ran towards them afraid of what we might find.

Jai was the first person to make it to the top of the stairs. And when she did she ran straight to our room. Busting the door open she let out a scream.

What now?


Sooooo this was just a filler chapter kind of

Some suspense and drama leading up to what's going to happen next

Stay tuned

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now