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I've had meeting after meeting today and I am beyond tired. Jai is giving me a massage to ease the tension in my back. Usually a massage would turn into sex, but tonight I just want to be held.

"So you caught Lyrica face all in between her legs?" I asked.

Jai said mmhm as she now rubs on my booty. I just shook my head. I remember being that age and thinking about sex way too much. Lyrica has more experience than Kennedy so she might crave sex more than her. I just don't want either of them to get so wrapped up in each other that they let their school work decline.

Jai finished up the massage before she went to the bathroom to wash her hands. I pulled the covers back and crawled under them. My body sunk into the mattress and I instantly started falling asleep.

I felt Jai slide in behind me and wrap her arms around my body. She kissed the back of my head before telling me that she loves me. I smiled and said it back. Her breath can be felt slightly blowing on my neck as she drifts off to sleep as well; I'm assuming she's had a long day as well. I can't wait to marry this woman and spend the rest of my life with her.

I peeked my eyes open and took a look at the clock. It reads 6:45am and I immediately let out a groan. It's Monday and I'm not ready for these meetings I have today. Jai has been up for a few minutes already. I felt her get out of bed earlier.

"Babe you awake? One of us has to take the kids to school. What time is your meeting?"

I picked up my phone and checked my calendar. My first meeting isn't until 10:30 so I'll do it. I hung my legs off the bed and slid my feet into my slippers. Jai is coming out of the bathroom as I'm walking in. She smiled and playfully slapped my ass as she watched it jiggle. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little.

While I waited on the shower water to get hot I peed and brushed my teeth. Jai is already dressed and came over to give me a kiss bye. She made sure to repeat what time school starts and that as soon as I get out the shower I need to wake them up.

"Okay, okay" I laughed. She smirked back.

I stepped into the shower and washed my face before washing my body. After a few times I decided to get out. It's now 7:00 and school starts at 8:30. I dried off and threw my robe on so I can go wake the kids. Tia and Angel are out of town for the next three days so Lyrica is staying over here until they get back.

I went to knock on their door and took a deep breath. I honestly expected to find them half naked and laid up with each other, but I didn't. Kennedy's wild ass is head first at the top of the bed, and Lyrica is head first at the bottom of the bed. I'm not sure why they slept like that, but whatever works for them.

"Rise and Shine" I said loud enough for both of them to hear me.

Lyrica popped her head up first, but quickly dropped it back down. Closing her eyes again, I went over and shook both of them. Kennedy opened her eyes and let out the biggest groan ever. I just gave her that look I give her when she's about to get an attitude. She straightened up immediately and sloppily fell out the bed.

"Girl what is wrong with you?" I asked trying not to laugh.

She stood to her feet and walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. I gave her a hug back, but when I noticed she had closed her eyes and was falling back asleep I shook her again.

"Uh huh. Gone in the bathroom and get ready. School starts at 8:30 and it is now 7:10 because you've wasted time fighting having to get up."

She groggily walked to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet to pee. I shook Lyrica a few times before she woke up as well. I told her to grab her things and come to my bathroom so she can get ready.

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now