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August 31st, 2019


"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Nas asked me from the couch.

Ever since my last checkup I haven't been able to sleep at a regular angle resulting in Nas not being able to sleep in the bed with me. I heard his footsteps coming towards me and then the small lamp flicked on.

"Leona what's wrong? You've been groaning in your sleep for the past ten minutes" he said pulling the sheets back.

We both looked down and saw this wet spot in the bed. My face frowned up and I became scared as hell. I started breathing quickly and trying to get up. Nas reassured me and made me lay back down. He unplugged his phone from the charger on the dresser and called the midwife we have been working with since I found out i was pregnant.

He piled some pillows up behind my head and told me that the midwife will be over in a little bit. For now he's going to get the water run into the pool and make sure everything is set up.

"Nas I'm scared" I said grabbing at his hand right as he turned to walk away.

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. He told me everything will be okay and it will go smoothly. I'm not supposed to have this baby until September 25th, I'm afraid he won't be healthy if they come now.


"It's a healthy baby boy" the midwife said smiling.

She handed him to me and all I can manage to do is cry as I look down at my baby crying. Nas has a few years in his eyes as well. I ask him if he wants to hold him and he says yes. The midwife hands him over to him they joy in his eyes light up.

Chana and Jai are crying big ass tears while Kennedy lays on the couch sleep. I wish I was sleeping too. I'm so worn out and tired. I was having contractions for six hours before my baby came out.

The midwife cleaned the baby up and asked us what we wanted to name him. I cheesed and said "Nasir Leon Williams Jr."

Nas beamed joy when he realized I was naming our son after him. It's only right if I'm being honest. Jai and Chana both gave me a kiss on the forehead before Jai told me that she has to take Kennedy to school and meet with a few clients today, but that she will be back later.

I thanked her and nodded. The midwife helped me clean up and get back in bed. Chana and Nas sat on the couch staring at Junior. His eyes are closed, but he has Nas' finger clinched tightly.

"He's so cute Nas. Y'all did good. He already has your eyes and Leona's mouth" I can hear Chana saying. "If you want to go take a nap or check on Leona you can. I got this."

Nas walked over to me and smiled. Leaning down to kiss my lips softly he asked me how I'm feeling. I told him I'm tired, but I'd feel better once I got some rest. He agreed and laid down beside me carefully, making sure he doesn't move too much.

"So I'm going to stay for a little bit and make sure that both Leona and and Nasir and doing okay" the midwife said to Nas. He shook his head before laying back on the pillow.


September 4th

It's been four days since I gave birth. I'm feeling okay as far as my body goes, but Junior is ass backwards. He sleeps during the day and is awake at night which keeps me up at night. Nasir gets up with him, but I can still hear the crying and moving around.

"Nas please sit down. All that pacing back and forth is making me irritated."

He looked back at me while he bounced Junior up and down as he calmed down from crying. Nas' eyes are droopy and blood shot red. I got out of bed and went over to take Junior, but as soon as I placed him against my chest he started crying.

"Tuh. Gimme my child" Nas said rolling his eyes & poking his tongue out.

I giggled a little but deep down I'm a little hurt that Nas is better with Junior than I am. Junior rarely ever cries when he's holding him. Junior finished his entire bottle when he's feeding him and when he changes him he doesn't pee on him.

"He doesn't like me" I said softly before crying.

Nas noticed the tears streaming down my face and gently placed Junior down in his crib before walking over to me. Cupping my face he looked down at me and smiled.

"Of course he likes you. He spent months inside of you."

I know Nas is trying to make me feel better, but it's not working. Junior won't even latch on so I can breastfeed him. We're just not connected as I thought we'd be.

I walked away and went to have a seat on the couch. Nas looked defeated so he didn't say anything else. He just sat beside me and leaned his head back to get a nap while Junior is sleeping. I cut the tv on and turned it down very low with the subtitles on. A few minutes into the show my eyes grew heavy as well.

Motherhood is a lot of work and I wasn't expecting this at all. I just hope that Junior grows to like me because I can't take too much more of him crying when I hold him, peeing on me when I change him or throwing up on me when I burp him.


Soooo Leona had the baby!

And she named him after Nas

But lil Nas doesn't care for her yet lol

Tbh I'm not too sure how birth/labor goes so I just briefly described shit hoping it wasn't completely off lmaoo

Anyway thank you for reading

Anyway thank you for reading

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