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September 3rd, 2018


"So how does that make you feel?" I asked a new patient of mine.

Kegan is a college freshman and his parents have disowned him for being bisexual. He came out to them because he thought they would love him for him, but was he sadly mistaken.

"It makes me feel like shit, like I'm worthless, a burden. My sister gets the special treatment now, and the sad thing is she doesn't really know what's going on because she's just a kid."

I nodded my head and wrote down a few things. I slid the box of tissues towards him as a few tears fell down his face. His parents sent him to therapy so I can cure him. I shared a little bit of my personal story to let him know no matter our age our parents can still be ignorant to the facts. That helped him a little bit, but he is still feeling abandoned which he should.

"Alright Kegan your time is up, but I'm looking forward to seeing your progress next week. Remember what I said, if you ever feel unsafe or that your life is in jeopardy please call the LGBTQ+ hotline for help."

He shook his head and gave me a small smile. Wiping his face and getting himself together he made his way towards the door. Once he opened it I saw his parents sitting in the waiting area chairs with these smug looks on their face. I tried to fake a smile and wave their way, but they just stuck their noses in the air and led their son out the office.

"Jai, girl, what in the fuck is wrong with them?"

I looked up from my phone and saw Jazmine standing in front of me. I guess she could sense their evil spirit as well. I told her to close the door and sit down. She did as instructed and crossed her legs before pulling her phone out of her pocket.

I finished typing my message to Chana asking her if she could bring me some coffee before she came in to the office. She told me she would be over in about twenties minutes. I locked my phone and put in on my desk. My next patient isn't until 11:30 so I had some time to spare. I came from around my desk and sat on it in front of Jazmine.

"So what's been up with you? How's the new boo?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

Jazmine began to smile uncontrollably. Her eyes lit up and she looks so happy. She started telling me about their first date and how sweet and gentle the woman is. I'm so happy for her. She's been in some terrible relationships and flings and this is definitely something she deserves.

We talked up until there was a knock on my door. I told them to come in and when the door opened I saw Chana. A huge smile spread across my face as I saw her beautiful ass walk in with not only coffee, but breakfast too.

"Aww babe you didn't have to do this. I just asked for coffee" I said giggling like a little kid.

Jazmine looked from me to Chana then back to me with a smirk on her face. Chana leaned down and gave me a kiss on my lips before sitting down next to Jazmine who is still grinning like a kid in a candy store.

Chana and I both asked her what she was so cheesy about. The words that came out of this woman's mouth made both of us laugh louder than we should have.

"I just know the sex is good. Like great as hell. I just know ya'll be going for rounds."

Chana crossed her legs and sipped her coffee while I just smirked and stared off into the distance. Jazmine let out a mmhm before standing to her feet and walking towards the door. She gave me a wink before locking and closing the door. I am not about to entertain her foolishness today. It is too early for it.

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now