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"You're what?" I said shocked.

I didn't even know that my baby was having sex with men, let alone unprotected. We all stood there and looked on with shock, but Nas, Nas had this look of recollection like he knows exactly when and where she got pregnant.

I asked her when she went to the doctor and she told me that she hasn't, but she took five pregnancy tests and they all came back positive. She said that she has an appointment with an OB/GYN next week to find out how far along she is.

I walked up to her and gave her a hug. I'm not tryna make her feel bad or judge her. I'm just in shock. She hugged me back and placed her head on my chest. We most definitely have her grown ass spoiled.

"You're moving back in. You need to be safe and healthy; away from any kind of danger and stress" Jai said adamantly.

Leona nodded her head and looked at Nas. He quickly looked away and that's when I put two and two together. I needed to ask her how all of this went down so I told her to follow me upstairs so we can talk.

Once we made it to her room, I closed the door. She looked nervous like I'm going to yell at her or something, but I'm not.

"Is Nas the father?"

Her face drew a blank expression. She looked like she was unsure what to say or do. Jai might be the licensed therapist, but I can definitely read people and Nas is indeed the father.

"When did y'all have sex?"

Leona looked down before telling me it was after Jai's birthday. I fiddled with my fingers a little trying to remember then I realized it happened the night we were all drinking and very drunk.

I started pacing back and forth. I was confused because I thought Nas and Leona were like sister and brother? Or maybe it was just the alcohol? I don't know but this is all so much.

"Send me a calendar invite for the appointment, I want to be there."

She nodded her head and scrolled through her phone. Pressing her fingers against the screen she hit send. I felt my phone vibrate and knew I had received it.

"We'll discuss more later. I can't believe my baby is having a baby."

She gave me a slight smile and walked back downstairs. The conversation had changed and everyone is laughing and eating. We took a seat in the kitchen and joined everyone.

Nas is about to leave and go home. He asks Leona if they can talk outside before he goes. She nodded a little with this nervous look on her face. When the door closed Jai snuck over to the window to watch them talk.

"Babe let them talk in peace" I said causing her to wave me off.

The entire time they talked; which was about five minutes she stood at the window peeking. I just shook my head and went upstairs to talk to Kennedy.

"Hey mama."

She pulled out one of her headphones and smiled. I asked if I can take a seat on her bed and she said yes.

"So how's everything? Is school going alright? Making any friends?"

She nodded and told me school is fine. She also mentioned that the poetry club isn't really her thing and hasn't gone in about two weeks. I told her it's okay. She'll eventually find her thing and enjoy that.

"As far as friends go, I don't really have any. Like there's people who speak to me occasionally, but Camden is my only friend and she's moving away in a week."

The sad look on her face made me feel bad. Jai and I need to find a way for her to meet some people. Maybe we can throw a small community party at the learner center. We can clear out one of the big conference rooms and set it up.

"Well it'll be okay. I'll talk to Jai about getting you out there. Maybe we can throw a party at the center for kids 14 to 16. You can invite some schoolmates that you'd think would enjoy it and have fun."

Her eyes lit up. She likes that idea and so do I. We talked for a few more minutes until we heard Jai and Leona going back and forth downstairs. It wasn't an argument, but more like a slight disagreement with somewhat raised voices. Kennedy and I both got up and went downstairs to see what the issue is.

"Woah woah woah. What's going on y'all?"

Leona wiped a tear that had dropped down her cheek away. This is going to be an emotional roller coaster her entire pregnancy.

"Jai is upset because Nas is the father" Leona said rolling her eyes.

Jai corrected her and told us she's not upset that he's the father , she's just upset that both of us are having a baby before we're ready.

"I honestly thought y'all would slip up and have sex before this, but to have unprotected sex is wild to me. Who knows what kind of women Nas is fuckin. You should've protected yourself."

Leona looked at me and I looked at Jai. Leona and I both busted out laughing. She gave us that look she gives when she's in serious mode and everyone around her is being playful.

"Baby, Nas isn't fuckin anyone and I mean ANYONE. We have talks sometimes and he is in a dry spell. Give both of them a break. They got super drunk and let their horniness and loneliness get the best of them."

She softened her face and dropped her shoulders. I walked over to her and placed a gentle kiss on the forehead. She laid her head down on my shoulder and giggled.

"Being a parent is hard work babe."

Leona's goofy ass heard her and busted out laughing. Jai grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her into our hug. She told Kennedy to come join us too. We all stood there for a few seconds embracing each other.

"I love y'all and I just want what's best for y'all" Jai said before pulling away.

We all smiled and fixed ourselves some ice cream and brownies. I don't know what Leona and Nas talked about, but she'll tell us when she's ready. For now I'm going to enjoy this bonding time that I have with my babies.

This was just a filler chapter. Not too many things going on.

So what y'all think??

There's a few more chapters left before this story ends (maybe like 10..idk) so hold tight haha.

Until next time..

Until next time

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