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12:00 pm


When we walked into the house we noticed that the tv is on. Chana and Jai are adamant about them turning it off before they left. I decided to go upstairs and check everything out just in case. Chana let me know she has a gun in her closet.

I walked over to it and opened the door. When I stuck my arm out to reach for the gun I heard a noise coming from the bathroom so I quickly grabbed the gun and took the safety off. Turning around I was face to face with the woman all over the news.

"What the fuck. How did your crazy ass get in here?"

She gave me a slick smirk and tried to walk towards me but I shut all of that down real quick by shooting her in the leg. She dropped to the ground and almost simultaneously I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Jai ran into the room and screamed.

"Nigga what you yelling for? Tie her crazy ass up or something and call the police."

As soon as I finished my sentence everyone else made their way into the room and the looks on their face are priceless. Chana looked the most confused though. She walked over to Gia and kicked her in the ribs. She let out a loud grunt and groaned out in pain.

"What is your problem? Why won't you leave us alone?"

Gia smiled and began spilling all the tea.

"Remember when we broke up? I told you I would find you and we'd be together again."

Chana clinched her jaw before balling her fist up and punching Gia in the face. She spit the blood out and started laughing.

"Mane see naw. Hell naw. Somebody get this bitch out my motherfuckin room leaking blood everywhere."

I looked at the small stain on the carpet before grabbing her by her hair and telling her to stand up. I shot her in the leg but she can still walk a little bit. She tried to fight me until I pointed the gun at her.

Without looking at either Jai or Chana I asked them had they called the police yet. They both hurriedly said no. The vengeance in their voice scared me.

Now downstairs in the kitchen, Chana took the gun from me and pointed it at Gia. "Talk bitch before I kill your crazy ass."

Leona was standing back with tears on in her eyes. I walked over to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I can feel her body slightly shaking.

"Anyway. Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" Gia said smirking at Chana. "I told you that you weren't going to be able to outrun me forever. I'd do whatever it takes to be with you again, even if that means taking out the ones you love."

Chana pointed the gun at Gia and placed her finger on the trigger. Jai had to quickly jump in and take control before Chana killed the bitch.

"Alright. She confessed to killing Tae. Let's just call the police and let them handle it."

Chana stared at Gia long and hard before agreeing. I know she wanted to take her life the same way she took Tae's, but in the end she's not God and doesn't get to decide who lives or dies.

Jai took the gun from her and handed it over to me. The longer we waited on the police, the more rage filled Chana's eyes. I was almost afraid to say anything because I wasn't sure how she will react.

The entire seven minutes it took for the police to arrive Chana stood over Gia in the kitchen. Even when they walked in, she still didn't want to move. The detective had to pull her away because she was too consumed with anger and hurt.

"We're going to need a statement" the detective said.

We all nodded our heads and one by one talked to him and told our side of the story.


It's now nine o'clock and Leona is just now falling asleep. Chana spent all evening scrubbing the blood stain out of her bedroom carpet. Most of it came out. There's a bright red tint left that will probably have to be professionally cleaned. Jai refuses to sleep in her room tonight, while I feel like I have to stay awake to keep an eye out for everyone.

"Thank you! I really appreciate you. I don't know what we would've done without you today or any other day. Tae loved you dearly and even though she didn't always show it, I know deep down in her heart that she did."

I was flooded with emotions. For the first time since we found out the news, I've allowed myself to feel the pain. I didn't have the strength to fight through the tears so I just nodded my head. Chana wrapped her arms around me and brought me in for a hug. I let my tears drop and I let myself be as vulnerable as I've ever been. It's been a rough few days, but it can't get any worse than this.


Ha! Tricked ya

Nothing happened to Nas

Nobody else died

Gia finally got caught

AND now you know who killed Tae

Stay tuned for more...

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now