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My alarm was going off. I didn't sleep well last night. All I kept thinking about was that woman calling me beautiful. I'm not sure if she was just complimenting me or attempting to flirt. Either way I'm not sure why it's bothering me so much. I'm not a lesbian or bisexual. I've never looked at another woman that way, but there was something different about her.

Shaking the thoughts I got up to shower. My day isn't going to be too long. All of my appointments are college students and are booked for three o'clock or earlier. I'm grateful for this short day today.

Turning the shower head, I waited for the water to get warm before stepping in. My curls are a frizzy mess, but I don't have time to tame them right now. I'll tackle that struggle later today when I get home from work.

Squeezing the body wash onto my towel I rubbed it in. Once the body wash was evenly distributed I began washing myself. The smell of coconut made my senses tingle. Once I was done cleaning myself I stepped out and dried off.

Looking at myself in the mirror I looked like I didn't get any sleep. My face was a little droopy and my eyes were a light red. Grabbing the eye drops I squeezed two drops on each side. I needed to hurry up before I'm late.


Rushing into my office I quickly took a glance at my appointment book. It is now 8:45 and my patient will be here any second. I was a disorganized mess. I didn't have time to stop and get coffee either. I never bother my assistant this early, but I may need her to get me a cup or two. If not, I won't make it until three o'clock.

"Ms. Williams your 8:45 is here."

I smiled and waved both of them in. My patient, a freshman in college took her normal seat while my assistant came over and stood beside me.

"Can you please get me some coffee? Two sugars, a little bit of creamer."

Jazmine nodded her head and quickly walked out closing the door behind her.

"So, Nadia how are you?"

She sunk down in her chair and pouted. She's a work in progress. Some days are better than others. I'm trying to help her through a breakup as well as help her with her anxiety and depression.

"I'm ok I guess.
Classes are so hard.
And on top of that
Michael already has
another girlfriend."

"And how does that
make you feel?"

"Like I was nothing.
How could he
move on so fast?"

"Well, Nadia from experience
they either never loved you
the way they said,
or she has always
been around."

Tears formed in her eyes. I slid the tissue box closer to her and watched as she grabbed one and dabbed her eyes.

"Also from experience I know
karma will be ten times harder.
He will get what's coming to him.
Other than that, what about
classes are hard?"

"Ok so my English Professor
is such a bitch.
She's older, grouchy and 
always grades our work super hard.

I chuckled a little. It seems as though talking about Michael makes her extremely sad, but talking about school, not so much. I want to tackle the Michael issue, but may save that for another day.

"Have you confronted
her about it?"

Nadia's eyes widened. She shook her head back and forth quickly. A smile formed on my face. She's so sweet and innocent. Confrontation is not her thing. She needs to learn how to properly express her feelings though.

"My task for you is to
1) Get more sleep!
2) Talk to your professor
3) Delete Michael from social media
4) Go out with your girls & have fun"

Nadia grinned and stood up to thank me. The timer was just going off and Jazmine still wasn't back with my coffee. I let out a big yawn and Nadia noticed just how tired I really am.

"Seems like you're the one
who needs more sleep."

"I usually sleep well.
Just didn't last night."

"Mmhm. Guy problems?
Woman problems?"

I negated both questions and escorted her to the door. She laughed and thanked me again. Right as I was closing my door she blurted out "It's woman problems. Only a woman can stress someone like you out."

I wasn't sure how to take that but by the time I realized what she said, Nadia was already headed down the hall and towards the elevator. As she got on Jazmine got off. A huge smile formed on my face as she handed me two coffees. One hot and one cold.

"I got you two since I took so long."

I thanked her and told her to shut my door and sit down. She did as I asked, but had a worried facial expression that made me laugh.

"You're not in trouble.
I just need someone's opinion."

Jazmine let out the breath she had been holding and asked me what was up. I felt confident in confiding in Jazmine. She's been working as my assistant for two years now. She's come to me about her personal issues and we've even hung out a few times.

"So last night I was leaving.
As I exit the elevator this woman
tells me to enjoy the rest of my night."

Jazmine looks confused. She gives me that 'that's all' look and I laugh. So I further explain to her how the woman called me beautiful and the tone of her voice was very low and sensual.

"Um bitchhh she was flirting! What she look like?"

"Brown skin. Short hair.
A little taller than me.
She was coming from the
6th floor."

Jazmine's eyes got big and she smirked.

"Oh bitch she gone
turn you out. I know
exactly who you're
talking about. She's
Bad as hell."

"Girl that helps not one bit.
And besides I'm not even gay."

"You will be."

With that being said she stood up and opened the door. In walked my next appointment. My mind was very hazy and all I could think about was, "you will be."

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now