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January 9th, 2019
9:05 am


I've been back in the states since the 1st and I came back to work two days ago. Business is booming as usual and wow am I overwhelmed. I have so much paperwork to catch back up on, and so many kids to do house visits for.

"Hey Sammy. I hope your find yourself vacation was worth it?" My manager said looking at me. "Because chile you have so much to check up on and do. Ima pray for you baby."

I let out a low chuckle and nodded my head. She patted me on the back and started to walk out my office. Mrs. Willow is a sixty something year old woman. Her grandfather started this social services company when he was in his later twenties and when he passed away he handed the company down to her.

My job is to do home visits and write up a report on kids that are either already in foster care/been adopted or kids that are under the radar for being mistreated. I usually don't have an issue with the kids that are adopted. The parents are mostly LGBTQ+ parents just wanting the chance to love a child. Shit gets tricky and down right morally wrong when it comes to some of these foster homes and parents that have kids, but don't want them or care enough to provide for them.

"Hey beautiful" my coworker Aaron said. I smiled and said hey back. "I'm rolling along with you on one of your house visits."

I didn't ask any questions because I knew if a male coworker was sent along it's because the child lives in an environment where someone in the house is violent and will try to physically harm me if I'm alone.

Aaron took a seat in my office chair and crossed his legs. He stared at me before saying anything—which he does a lot—and I hate it.

"So my wife is excited that you're back. She said she misses getting mimosas with you and that she misses your girl talk."

I laughed a little before nodding. Aaron's wife; Nadia is one of my closest friends. He introduced us to each other a few years ago when we both started working here. We hit it off immediately.

"Tell her I'm back now and my phone works. She can text or call me."

He let me know he understood and got up to walk away. I continued to look through my paperwork and noticed that a teenager I've been keeping a close eye on since her latest suicide attempt a year ago has been moved to a different home. This is the fourth placement in the past seven months. Since she's on my caseload I decided to go check up on her and see what the issue is.

I shot Aaron a quick text and let him know I was going to do a house check. He sent me back a thumbs up emoji so I swiped out the messages and locked my phone. I grabbed everything that I need and walked to the parking garage. Before I started walking to my car I made sure there wasn't any stragglers hanging around. For some reason the street I live on attracts homeless and drug addicts the most.

Text From: Nadia
Aaron told me you were back 😁 let's catch up this weekend or next?

I read the message and sent her one back before starting up my car. Getting myself, my phone and my music situated before I pulled out because I don't need another ticket on my driving record. My car insurance is already sky high.

I bobbed my head to the music while I followed the directions to the new placement of Kennedy. I'm not sure why she keeps getting moved, but I'm about to find out. Pulling into the driveway; the house isn't extravagant, but it's not horrible either. It's a small one story house. Looks to have about two or three rooms and probably one bathroom. I knocked on the door and as soon as it swung open Kennedy's eyes met mine. She practically jumped in my arms and gave me a hug.

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now