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Saturday, March 3


Chana stood behind me with her arms wrapped around my waist as we stood in line waiting for our food at the food court. Leona and Tae were in a different line because they didn't want chick-fil-a.

"NEXT!" The cashier said.

Walking up to place our orders I noticed it was my ex boyfriend. His eyes locked on mine. Chana gave me a weird, knowing look but didn't say anything.

"Uh yea. Lemme get a uh, number one, no pickle and chick-fil-a sauce. Oh and a strawberry milkshake as well. Babe?" I said looking to Chana.

She ordered her food and paid with her card. Christian still had that look of confusion on his face. I didn't owe him an explanation though because he cheated on me. Moving to the side we waited for our food.

"Baby who's that man? Why was he looking at you like that?"

"My fuck boy ex."

Chana laughed and that's when our name was called to get our food. Grabbing the bags, while Chana grabbed the drinks. As I was walking away Christian called my name. I slowly turned around in a questioning manner.

"What Christian?"

The three customers that they had looked on in curiosity. If this nigga was still the same, he was about to cause a scene.

"You dykin now?"

Chana tensed up. I know that word pissed her off more than anything. I decided not to give him the attention he wanted and walked away. Finding Leona and Tae we went to have a seat. I had gone a long two years without running into him and now he just pops up, working and shit. I guess Chana could sense my irritation because she placed her hand on my thigh and ran her thumb up and down.

"Babe it'll be ok. Dont let him get to you ok?"

I shook my head yes and continued to eat my food. Tae and Leona were quietly talking between themselves. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but whatever it was, Leona was deep into it. She was staring at Tae intently, not blinking or looking away.

We finished eating, then threw our trash away. As we were walking away from the food court I heard my name again. I knew exactly who it was. Growing irritated once again, I turned around and asked him what he wanted. He had this smirk on his face that irked me even more.

"Christian what the fuck do you want? I got shit to do."

He took a few more steps closer then spoke.

"I just want to know what she can do for you that I can't?"

"Be faithful and keep a job. Anything else?"

His lip frowned up like it always does when he's mad. I let out a slight chuckle because I knew I was getting to him. He took a few more steps closer and started talking again, this time his voice elevated so everyone within a few feet could hear what he was saying.

"Bitch don't get smart. I'll fuck around and end you."

Tae didn't appreciate that too much. She reached her hand in her pocketbook and pulled out three different switch blades.

"Nah nigga like hell you will. I will fuck around and stab you on purpose. Which one you want?"

I tried so hard not to laugh but her tone was hilarious as fuck. Christian started walking towards us so Tae flipped one of the knives open and squared up with him.

"You really tryna die huh?"

Christian laughed hysterically. I could see a security guard rushing up behind him. Tae quickly put the knives up and stood their like nothing had happened.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the mall. The behavior your displaying isn't permitted."

Christian laughed in the security officer's face. He was really showing his ass right now. He was always an ass but this is on a whole different level than before.

Christian still wasn't leaving so the security officer pulled out his handcuffs to cuff him. To all of our surprise he started fighting back. He was swinging very wildly, not connecting of course. All of a sudden Tae ran up on him and tased his ass.

"Thank you. I was about to start fighting back and lose my job."

My mouth hung open while Christian shook on the ground from the shock. The security officer proceeded to handcuff him before calling for medical attention.

Chana jerked Tae up by one arm and snatched her purse off her shoulder. From the look on her face she was made as hell. Tae is too hilarious. She probably shouldn't be allowed to possess three knives and a taser.

"Carry your ass on. Let's go right fuckin now. And where the hell you get three knives from Chantae?"

Tae just shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face. Chana was still fussing the entire time we were walking out the mall. She was sounding so much like her mom and not sister. Poor baby was tuning her out and Chana didn't care. She just stared straight ahead until we got to the car. Unlocking the door we all opened them to get in. Tae flopped in the back seat and that's when her whole demeanor changed.

"Chana shut the fuck up. You don't know when to stop talking. Ever thought there was a reason I had all of those knives and that taser?"

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now