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November 21st, 2018
9:50 pm


My body feels numb. I never would've thought that I'd be mourning the loss of my little sister. Yes we had our differences, but I never thought one of us would leave this earth without being able to say good bye. My heart is broken and I'm at a loss for words.

"Ma'am this way" the officer said.

I followed behind the same officer that asked me to come downtown to identify her body. Once we made it downstairs he stopped in front of a glass window and tapped on it. This woman dressed in a white coat and gloves looked towards me and told me whenever I'm ready. It took me a few minutes to give her the go ahead, but when she did my heart stopped momentarily. That's indeed Tae laying on that table.

The officer placed his hand on my back and told me that he'd escort me back upstairs. My legs are wobbly and aren't working that well. As soon as I made it back to Jai I fell in her lap and broke down crying. Seeing her laying there lifeless solidified everything. She's not coming home anymore. I'll never see her again or hear her curse me out. I'll never hear her laugh again or see her roll her eyes. Somebody stole her from me and ended her life way too early. Whoever that somebody is, I really hope I never find out who it is.

The police officer who's name I learned is Officer Blake handed Jai his card and told us that if we found anything out to please let him know. They will be doing an autopsy and will report their findings to us. I'm still in shock and can't believe that my sister is gone.

"Leona will you be okay driving back by yourself?" Nas asked her.

She couldn't even form words, all she could do is shake her head and sob loudly. I pulled her into a hug and squeezed tightly. I felt her body shake uncontrollably and the little piece of my heart that was left broke. I lost a sister, but Leona also lost someone very close and special to her and I know she hates herself for not picking up the phone and calling. I know she hates herself for blocking her number and ignoring her existence.

"I'm going to take you home okay" Nas said in a soft, reassuring voice.

He grabbed her hand and locked his fingers with hers. I could see her squeeze for security, but he didn't let go. Jai held my hand as we exited the police station and walked back towards the car. Nas and Tae followed behind the police car to my house while I rode in the police car over to the station. Nas was the most composed so he drove Leona and Jai to the station. We all gathered in his car so he can take Jai and I home first then take Leona home.

The car ride was quiet except for the occasional sniffles. My mind is going a mile a minute. Every person that could've hurt Tae popped in my head, starting with those people she hung out with. They seemed sketchy as hell and they always say "keep your friends close, but your enemy closer."

"Thanks Nas" I said barely above a whisper.

He gave me a half smile before opening the car door and wrapping me up in a hug. I buried my face into his chest and just cried. I'm so lost right now and don't understand why or what's going on.



I still can't believe that Tae is gone. Why would someone want to kill her? I hate myself for ignoring her when I could've been patching things up instead. Now I'll never get that chance to make things right. This shit ain't fair. Tae was a work in progress, but she didn't deserve to die.

"Nas can you stay? I'd feel more safe." I said looking at him through teary eyes.

Of course he agreed and took his spot on the couch. I gave him a pillow and a blanket to cover up with. He thanked me and laid down, turning the living room tv on low. I'm kind of glad he did that because I didn't want to sleep in complete darkness tonight.

When I woke up I saw Nas in the kitchen cooking breakfast. A small smile formed on my face. He's really been the best brother-like person in my life. He honestly looked out for us, even when Tae was being an asshole.

I hung my legs over the bed before stretching and standing up. Nas heard me making noise and looked over at me. He flashed that smile he always flashes and then turned back to the stove. I just shook my head and picked up my phone to see I had three missed calls. The name on the screen wasn't making sense though.

"Uhhh Nas. Come the fuck here right NOW!!"

He turned the stove eye off and rushed into my room. I brought my call log up and shoved it in his face. He squinted because I was too close. Once he backed up a little he realized what it said.

"Oh nah. Fuck nah. How the hell? Something ain't adding up bruh."

I nodded my head in agreement. Pressing the name I put it on speaker and let it ring. After a few seconds someone answered. I quickly hung the phone up and started pacing the room. My heart is racing and none of this is making sense. I did the only reasonable thing there was to do.

"Ayo Chana" I paused. "Somebody called me from Tae's phone. When I called back they answered."


Woah woah woah..wait a minute 😳

I just-

What y'all think??

Who called Leona?

Who killed Tae??

Until next time..

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