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5:15 pm


I was out with my cousin Sammy. She wanted to go shopping then grab something to eat before she headed into work. The mall was pretty much dead. Everyone was either just getting off work or didn't feel like shopping.

As we were leaving I noticed that same woman from last night at the Starbucks stand getting coffee. She was with a guy, but they didn't look together so I assumed it's her friend. Telling Sammy to give me a second, I made my way over.

"So we meet again?"

She turned around and once she saw it was me her whole demeanor switched up. She went from bold and confident to shy and hesitant.

"Uh, um, yea."

The affect I had on her was cute. I didn't want much. Just to see her sweat and give her my number. If she texts or calls I know she's at least curious. If she doesn't, it's on to the next one.

"I'm Chana. I can't talk long,
but I just wanted to introduce
myself. Here's my number.
Text me."

I gave her a sly wink then walked off. I wanted this small interaction between us to linger in her mind. I wanted to make her contemplate about hitting me up. As we walked out the mall I looked back one last time. She was staring at the business card I gave her. My job is done. It's all on her now.


It's a little after eight and I'm sitting on my couch eating ice cream and watching some college basketball. It's not my preferred team, but it's better than the other programs that's on.

"Chana your phone is dinging. AGAIN!"

My sister yelled from upstairs as if she was irritated. Our parents died in a car accident four years ago and she's been living with me ever since. It was hard at first because I was only twenty two and just graduated college, but we made it work. She's a freshman in college but stays at home to save money on room and board.

Hearing her footsteps come down the stairs I knew she was bringing me my phone. Looking over at her with her hair tied up and this look of agitation on her face I smiled.

"I was trying to sleep but
Your phone kept waking me
up so here ya go."

Taking the phone I saw I had forty unread texts and five missed calls. There was one text that stood out though. It's from a number I've never seen before. Opening it up, it was indeed from the Therapist that works in my building.

336-779-5134: Hey! It's Na'Jai. The woman from earlier. How are you?

I am doing fine. Just watching some basketball. How are you gorgeous?

336-779-5134: I'm alright. Can I ask you something?


336-779-5134: Are you by any chance bisexual or a lesbian? I'm not good at picking up on flirting hints. It's been a while since I've been on a date or anything...

Lol..yes I am a lesbian. Yes I was definitely flirting with you. And how long is a while?

336-779-5134: Two years 😩

OMG!! You're far too beautiful to not be taken out. Let me treat you to dinner this Saturday @ 8?

336-779-5134: Uhh idk. I'm not into women like that.

It's ok..you don't have to be. I'd still like to take you out, show you a good time.

336-779-5134: Um..ok I guess.

Great! See you Saturday.

I hit the power button and turned my screen off. I honestly didn't think she would agree, but she did. Little does she know I own the building she works in. So I'll be seeing her before Saturday.

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now