1. The promise

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Emily's POV

That thing, that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only one that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life.

I found that.
I found someone who I hate leaving, I found someone that I can't get enough of, I found someone who accepts and loves me for who I am and doesn't tell me I need to change.

I found her and I fell madly in love.
She was sitting right infront of me, but this moment wasn't a happy one.
This was the most heartbreaking moment that we've been through.

I looked into her eyes. The same ocean blue eyes that made me realize the moment I first saw her that I'd be willing to drawn in them. Those eyes that used to shine and could make you get lost in them, the same eyes that allowed me to see deep into her beautiful soul, in this moment those eyes were full of tears.
I knew that right now both of our hearts were breaking into pieces. And seeing the love of my life like this only broke me more.

"So this is it?" she whispered trying to hold back the tears while looking at our tangled fingers.

I looked down too and closed my eyes. We fought so much to be together and now we don't really have a choice but to go different ways.

"I don't know how I'm gonna do this without you by my side. I mean we can still call eachother but I won't be able to have you in my arms and I-I don't know how I'll survive without you Ali." I said letting a few tears fall.

She looked up at me and our eyes met again. The thought that this might be the last time I see her gorgeous face kills me even more.
She caressed my cheek with her hand and said,

"I know baby. I don't know how I'm going to smile without seeing your face everyday. How I'm going to get out of bed knowing I won't see you when I open the door. How I'm going to fall asleep without your arms around me. How I'm going to live without you." Tears rolled down her face as she spoke.

"I'll pray every night and day to see your beautiful face again. I promise you this is not the last time we'll see eachother." I told her.
She smiled weakly and leaned in connecting our lips into a slow but very emotional kiss.
We both knew this could and possibly would be our last kiss.

I never break my promises.

We pulled apart and after a few seconds of looking at eachother deeply, my phone rang and even more tears came to our eyes.

This is it.

We stood up from the couch and walked to her front door holding hands.
I opened the door and looked back to my love. We hugged and kissed one last time.

"I will always love you Alison."
"And I will always love you Emily.
Don't forget what you promised." She said chuckling while giving me a weak smile.
"I won't."

After walking out of the house and start walking to the car, I looked back. We gave eachother sad smiles and I entered the car and closed the door.

I'll find you.


Few months later.
Alison's POV

"Ughhhh I'm so done with school. Geez why do teachers keep giving us so much work? I mean weekend means rest but for those damn humans it means extra work!" My friend and roommate Olivia complains as usual. She hates school but she's still a good student.
Liv and I are really close to eachother. After leaving Rosewood and drifting apart from all the other girls Liv has become one of my bestfriends.

It's only been a few months since college started but Spencer has been studying her ass off. I'm not surprised though, she's a Hastings after all.
Hanna has been working on her school/design stuff so she's been busy too.
Aria is the one I still talk to the most. A few times a week, but it's not the same when you're in different states.

And then there's Emily.

Emily and I haven't been talking a lot. For the first few weeks we'd call eachother every hour and every day but when we had to hang up it always hurt a lot. So we started texting but I think that when you miss someone so much it's easier if try not to think about that person. And that's sort of what we did.

So it's been 5 months and we rarely talk to eachother.
But I can't help it. I miss her so much. I didn't just lose my girlfriend, I lost a part of me.

I still wrap myself in my blankets and pretend it's her arms. Because maybe if she was here things would be easier.
I still rest my head on my pillow and pretend it's her chest. Because maybe if she was here my heart wouldn't ache this much.
I just wished we could be togheter again but in order to follow our dreams we had to go different ways.

"You know complaining won't make it go away right?" I asked Liv who was laying on her bed with her face buried on her pillow.

"If people would ask me 'What is hell?' I'd tell them 'college'." We both chuckle.
"What about you?" She asks me.

"Distance between people who love eachother." I sigh deeply while turning on my chair to look at her.

She gave me a sad smile. Liv knows about Emily. I mean how couldn't she. The first month here I spent my nights crying so I eventually told her what was going on before she'd start thinking I was crazy.

"I'm really sorry Ali. I'm sure you girls will make it."

"I don't know Liv. We barely talk to eachother now. It just hurts to hear her voice and knowing she's not here."

"Hey she made a promise didn't she? And from what you told me that girl doesn't seem to break her promises." She says trying to lighten up the mood.
I smiled,

I really hope so.

Hello readers, here you have the first chapter of my emison fanfic. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I just wanted to let you know that sometimes you might read some famous quotes. I'm not trying to steal them, I just like them a lot so I wanted to put them on my story. ❣️

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