4. Still a chance?

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Sunday 10am (7 hours before the wedding)
Spencer's POV

"Yeah Emily I haven't said anything.....I hope Alison doesn't kill me for this.....Yeah I think they are all there by now." I said as I talked to Em on the phone and walked to Alison's front door.

Toby and I got here yesterday morning.
Alison met us at the airport with Ethan, the lucky guy marrying her. I'm still surprised that she's the one to get married first. I don't really know why though.
We already knew Ethan a little bit but not a lot. Somehow he reminds me of someone I'm just not sure who. But he seems a great guy and looks like he loves Alison a lot.

When I accidentally told Emily about Alison's wedding I didn't tell Ali or the other girls about it.
When Alison asked us to not tell Emily she said it was because they haven't talked in 5 years and it would just be awkward.
I wasn't sure if that was the real reason but I agreed to not say anything.
I actually thought that Hanna would eventually let it slip and tell Emily but I ended up being the one to make that mistake.

The thing is....it got worse.
After Toby and I went to the hotel after having dinner with Ali, Ethan and with Ezra and Aria who got here yesterday too we went to bed.
This morning it was about 8am when Emily called.


"Hi Em what's up?" Toby said as he answered his girlfriend's phone as she was in the bathroom.

"Hey Toby uh is Spencer there?" Toby realized Emily seemed a little nervous but he chose to let his girlfriend take care of it.
After saying bye to Em he knocked on the bathroom's door.
Spencer opened the door with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Hey babe. It's Em, she seems nervous and wants to talk to you."
He handed the phone and Spencer entered the bathroom again.

"Hey Em wh-"
"I need your help!" Emily interrupted and then before Spencer could ask, Emily was already talking again,
"Look I know it's crazy and maybe I'm being the most selfish bitch in the world but I really need to see Alison again. One last time at least. I made her a promise 5 years ago and I know I was soooo damn stupid for breaking it and for letting her escape and move on but I realized that maybe it's not too late. Maybe she still feels the same for me. Maybe just maybe I can still keep my promise. So please Spencer help me to see Alison one last time. And if she doesn't feel anything and wants me to leave I will." Spencer was still trying to figure out what Emily just rambled.

She was shocked by the sudden decision.
Not to be mean but she had 5 years to do something and she didn't. But Spencer also knew the type of love that Emily and Alison had or maybe still have for eachother.

It wasn't just a "first love" kind of thing. It was a "the one" kind of thing. You didn't need to know them to see how much they loved eachother.
And the other girls always admired their friend's relationship. After all they've been through they really needed to be strong and love eachother enough to still be togheter.
"Uhm, Em you know I'd love to help but don't you think it could be bad for Alison? I mean she's getting married TODAY." Spencer knew that this could really be selfish.

After Emily and Alison drifted apart, the other girls could see the two point of views and they knew both girls were suffering.
When Alison met Ethan she seemed to be getting better. They've been togheter for 2 years and Spencer was happy when Ali told her the news about the wedding.
It seemed like Alison was finally moving on and being happy again.
Don't get her wrong, Spencer would love to see Emison togheter again but Alison seemed happy with Ethan, maybe not as happy as she was with Emily but Spencer was glad she wasn't depressed and crying anymore.

"Spence it will only be bad if she still has feelings for me."
Emily was right. Spencer thought about it and it kinda made sense.
If Alison didn't love Emily anymore she'd just tell her, marry Ethan and be happy with him.
If she still loves Emily than there might still be a chance for the girls to come back togheter, even if they have to try a little harder.

"Ugh fine! When are you coming?" Spencer could only hear Emily screaming of happiness and that brought a smile to the older brunette's face.
It seemed just like old times when Emily would prepare a surprise for Alison and asked the other girls to help and they'd agree.
"I'm already here can we meat to prepare the plan. I don't even have her adress." Emily explained.
"Yeah sure."


So of course Spencer had to tell Toby about the plan. At first he thought it was crazy but just like Spencer he'd like to see Emison back in action.
Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

I mean what could possibly go wrong?

Spencer going to Alison's house was a part of the plan.
The two brunettes thought that if Emily just showed up at the wedding, it would cause a lot of questions from everyone and it wouldn't make Ali happy.
So since Alison had planned for the 3 other girls to meet at her house so they could chat, Spencer thought it would be good for Em to show up there too.
Hanna and Caleb had arrived Sunday morning because of her job she couldn't leave new york and be in miami on Saturday like Aria and Spencer and the boys.
So when she got to the airport she immediately drived to Alison's house.

When Spencer knocked Ethan opened the door.
"Hey Ethan." After they greeted eachother and hugged Ethan left to give the 4 girls space for themselves.

"SPENCER!" Hanna squeezed of happiness seeing her bestfriend. The girls hugged and when all of them were sitting on the couch laughing and talking about their lifes Spencer's phone rang. She excused herself saying it was work and went to the kitchen were the other girls couldn't see her.

"Hi so is everyone there already?" Emily asked.
"Yeah I think you can come now but...Emily are you sure you want to do this?" As much as Spencer wanted the group to be togheter and happy as old times she was afraid that this could affect everything even more.

"Spencer I know I messed up. I'm sure that to Alison it seemed as if I had moved on, but I didn't. I couldn't even if I wanted, that girl owns my heart. And if there is a slightly chance that maybe she still feels something for me, then I'm willing to take it."

Spencer sighed and said bye to one of her bestfriends.
"You were talking to Em?" Spencer jumped as she looked up from her phone and saw a blonde.
"Hanna! Geez can you not scare people like that." Hanna chuckled and saw that Spencer was serius and also nervous.
"What's wrong Spence?" She asked now also concerned.
Hanna has been speaking with Emily a few times but for the last 3 days she hasn't been able to contact her because of work.
And since it was the wedding and the girls had to keep it a secret Hanna thought it would be better not to talk to Emily during the weekend so she wouldn't have to lie to her bestfriend.
"I don't know if it's wrong or right but you're about to find out." Spencer left the kitchen and Hanna followed.
Both girls set down on the couch and the bell ring.

"Oh it must be the pizza guy, I'll go." Alison stood up and Hanna looked at Spencer who looked even more nervous now.

"Spencer wh-" Hanna was about to ask as they heard Alison open the door and ask,
"Hey Alison."

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