29. Aaron Parker

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It's funny how things can change so easily and so fast.
Emily's plan was to just enjoy a weekend with her girlfriend, before starting her new job and new life with Ali.
But it turned out to be an unforgettable weekend, unfortunately it was in a bad way.

Emily had no idea of what she was going to find out the moment she'd talk to Ethan.
But she knew Alison, her Alison. It couldn't be that bad, right?

On the other side, back in the apartment, Alison tried to call Emily, only to realize the brunette had forgotten her cell phone at home.
Alison didn't know if Emily had listened to her conversation with Liv. Or if she was mad because she knew something was going on and Ali didn't want to tell her.
Whatever's it was, it made Emily leave the house with no words.
And that wasn't a good sign.

So the blonde thought about, where could Emily have gone.
As soon as she realized that maybe she could be with Melina the girl took her stuff and left the apartment, hoping the moment she'd knock on the door, Emily would be there.

What she didn't know was that while she opened her apartment door to go to Mel's, Emily was leaving the apartment to go find Ethan.

Melina didn't trust Emily in the state of anger and nervousness. So she went with her, leaving an empty apartment behind them.

"Wait Emily, don't you want to call Alison before we go?" Melina asked her bestfriend before they entered the car.
"No, I need to speak to him alone."
She was determined to find out what Alison was hiding, and why.

Ethan was staying at a hotel, 20 minutes away from Melina's apartment.
When they got there, they stopped the car infront of the hotel.
Emily kept staring at the entrance and Melina could tell the girl was afraid.

"Hey, it's going to be alright." The slightly older brunette tried to assure her friend, but to tell the truth both of them had a bad feeling about this.

"Yeah..." Emily said looking down, "Should we wait for him to show up or?"

"I don't think we have to. Look." Pointing at the young man who was stepping out of his black Ferrari.

Emily immediately opened the door, walking fast towards him.
"Emily wait!" Melina yelled but Emily ignored it.

"Hey Ethan!"
The young man turned around.
He was wearing one of his expensive suits, he looked rich and maybe the fact that he looked powerful and important would intimidate some people.
But not Emily Fields, specially not when the subject was Alison DiLaurentis.

"Emily? What a surprise." He said with that smirk on his face.
Now face to face with him, Emily clenched her jaw, already feeling the anger.
This guy was not the same one she met that day in Alison's porch.

She chuckled sarcastically,
"I'm sure it is. But I need to have a chat with you if you don't mind."

He looked behind her, seeing Melina there he looked back at Emily.
"Sure, we can go to my suite."

Entering the room, the guy served himself a glass of whiskey.
"Do you want something?" He asked both women, who refused,
"Alright than, tell me what you wanted to chat about?"

He was the only sitting down on his couch. Melina stood against the wall near the front door as Emily took slowly a few steps in his way.

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