10. We need to talk

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The day had come.
And no I don't mean the day Alison will make a decision about Emily. I mean the day when Alison would have to talk to her parents. It's been almost a week since she cancelled the wedding and she promised her parents she'd talk to them. They were shocked but didn't want to judge their daughter before knowing what truly happend.

Right now Alison is walking side to side in her living room waiting for the bell to ring. She had planned with her parents to come to her house that morning so they could discuss about what happened.

And so it did. The bell rang and after taking a deep breath the blonde opened the door to see not only her parents but also Ethan on the other side.
Alison looked between the three of them confused about why Ethan was there.

"Well since he was the fiancé, your mother and I thought he should be here too. Now would you mind to let us in?" Her father explained reading his daughter's mind.

Without a word Alison stepped aside and let them in. She hugged them and when it was Ethan's turn he whispered,
"I'm sorry but they didn't take a no for an answer."
"It's okay I know how they can be." Ali gave him a quick smile.

They sitted at the dinner table. Ethan and Alison in one side next to eachother and her parents were opposite from them.

Kenneth, Alison's father was infront of her. He kept looking straight into her eyes, a few years ago Alison would've looked away but right now she wouldn't. She might still be bitchy like she was in the past but now she was also mature and grown enough to face her problems. Well some of them. Emily was a problem that Alison couldn't even discuss without having her brain and heart at war with eachother.

"So..." Ethan started awkwardly.
"We just want to know what happend." Jessica said giving the young adults a small smile.
Alison swallowed,
"I just changed my mind. I love Ethan...just not enough to marry him. And I've told him everything and he was kind and respectful about my decision."

"And what exactly changed your mind?" Now it was Kenneth's turn to speak.
Alison stayed silent for a few seconds. Her father had never supported her relationship with Emily a hundred percent. Her mother on the other hand meant it when she told Emily that she couldn't have asked for someone better to love her daughter.
Let's say that Kenneth was even more excited to know that Alison was marring a man.

"Uhm Kenneth, I understand your daughter's motives and I want her to be the happiest person on earth. If I'm not the right one to do that than I accept it. Even though I'd love to marry Alison and call her my wife, if she's not ready than I understand that." He turned to Alison and she gave him a thankful smile.
She was thankful for the way he reacted to the news and that he didn't brought the real motive to the conversation.

"Yes but it's not normal that my daughter changed her mind a few hours before the wedding. There must be a reason." Alison knew her father wouldn't let it go that easily and she could see that her mother kept looking at her. It's like she knew Alison was hidding something. She was her mother after all.

"Alison sweetie you know you can tell us anything."
Alison took a deep breath. She was going to tell them.
"Fine...I decided that I didn't want to marry Ethan because I'm still in love with someone else."
"Who??" Her father was shocked but he was starting to get angry too. I suppose deep down he already knew the answer and wasn't really happy about it.

"Emily?" Her mother asked seeing her daughter's eyes starting to get watery.
She knew that Emily was the first and probably only person to who Alison opened up completely and loved with everything she had.

Alison only nodded and after a few seconds of silence her father spoke again,
"I don't get it. It's been five years Alison, if you really loved her you wouldn't say yes to Ethan in the first place."

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