43. Pray

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"No no no!! Emily, no please baby, please!! Don't do this, come on!" Alison was screaming from the top of her lungs. Infront of her was Emily, laying on the floor and bleeding from her chest. Her body was immediately unconscious after the fall, and she looked... lifeless.
It was all happening in slow motion. When Emily got shot, the last thing she did was to look at Alison, before she collapsed on the floor.
Alison kneeled down next to her girlfriend, trying to wake her up while the paramedics rushed to help Emily.

Melina was screaming for her friend's life as well. They thought it was over. But that son of a bitch played them.

"I need you to investigate the area, now! Do not stop until you find him!" The detective yelled at her officers and than she turned back to Ethan who was still sitting in the car, enjoying the view.
"You son of a bitch, get out!" The detective opened the door of the car and with another officer, they took him out of the car and pushed him against the door.
His eyes were still focused on Ali sobbing next to Emily, praying for her girlfriend to stay alive.
"Tell me who did this! Or I swear you will die in jail, you bastard!" No matter what detective Pierce said, he just kept looking, with that smirk.

"Enough." The detective said and punched Ethan right in the face. He groaned in pain and the detective put him inside the car again.
"Take him to the station and lock him up. I'll take care of him when I get there."

"Please help her, I can't lose her." Alison felt her world turning upside down. She had never been so scared in her whole life. Even when A was still after the girls, she had never felt like this. She had been scared and afraid, she and her bestfriends and family had all been in danger, but right now, the love of her life, her Emily, was laying unconscious on the floor with blood coming out of her chest.

She felt powerless, there was nothing she could do to help her girlfriend.
"We need to take her to the hospital now." One of the paramedics said to the other.

They stood up with Emily on the stretcher.
"You're the girlfriend right?" The female paramedic asked Ali, the blonde nodded,
"Okay, you can come with us."

"Wait, she is her bestfriend, she needs to come too." Alison protested, so they would take Melina too.
"It's okay Ali, I'll take the car and I'll be right behind you. Go." Alison hugged her brunette friend and entered the ambulance.

After the ambulance was gone, Melina walked towards detective Pierce,
"Detective? What is going to happen to that monster?"

The detective sighed,
"We are going to interrogate him, until he gives in and tells us who his partner is. We don't have any information about him, besides the car he was in and the fact that Mr.DiLaurentis is with him. We have to be fast since there is still one person in danger."
"Is there anything we can do? To help?" Mel asked.
"For now all you need to do is to support your friends. If we have any informations or need anything from you, we'll get in touch." The detective explained and Melina nodded.

She made her way to the car and drove off to the hospital, praying that when she'd get there, her bestfriend would still be alive.
Alison's POV
"Come on Em, you can do this babe,come on." I kept telling her stuff like this. I didn't even know if she could hear me or not but it was all I could do right now. And I hated it. The love of my life is dying. Dying. Right infront of me and all I can do is say stuff. Ask her to keep fighting.

"God, I thought this was over." I said it more to myself. After A was gone, I thought this type of things would never happen again. But I really was wrong.
And now I'm here, holding her hand tightly in mine, as if I was holding her soul so it wouldn't leave her body.

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