18. Baby steps

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As the girls were walking home after their lunch with Melina, Alison was speaking non stop about how pretty the city and the beaches looked.

"You want to go?" Emily asked looking lovingly at the blonde.

"Where?" Ali asked a little confused since she was talking about a lot of things at the same time.
"To the beach. You said it was hot today and that you'd like to go there soon, so why not now?"

Both girls slowed their steps until they came to a stop.
Turning to her left, now facing Emily, Ali thought for a second,
"But we're not dressed appropriately Em." She chuckled.
Emily smirked and pointed behind Alison.

"That white building there, it's Melina's apartment also known as a place where you can find all the clothes in the world. I swear she's even worse than Hanna when it comes to shopping." Both girls laughed,

"Yeah I've noticed her fashion style. But don't you think it'll be mean to just grab her stuff?"

Emily scoffed and waved her hand,
"Oh please she owns so many clothes she could be robbed and not even notice. Come on!" Emily grabbed Ali's hand and ran towards the building.

Emily being Melina's bestfriend, had a key of the apartment, and since the girl was at work as usual, the two liars had all the time they needed to choose their clothes.
And so they did.

After 20 minutes, both Em and Ali had their bikinis, Emily was using a black one and Ali a white one.
They left the apartment and made their way to the beach. Since it was a week day and it was around 3 pm the beach was not chaotic and full as usual, so it was easy for them to find a place and have some privacy away from other people.

"Wow... This is a beautiful view." Alison let out a breath happily while looking at the waves.

"It really is." Emily whispered but Alison being sitted next to her, still heard it and looked at the brunette to find the same one looking back at her with a lovely smile.
After a second Alison realized Emily was referring to Alison and not the beach.

The blonde couldn't help but blush, making Emily laugh softly.
"You really should stop doing stuff like this." Alison complained, looking into Emily's eyes as both girls were sitting on the sand.

"But it's so cute to see you like that. To see that I still have that effect on you." Both girls were now on an intense gaze and started to lean in slowly towards eachother, but as their lips were almost touching, they heard someone call Emily's name.
The same person walked towards them standing in front of the sun and now Emily could recognize the girl.

"Tiffany." Emily sighed stressed, knowing that this wasn't going to end well.

"I haven't heard about you in a long time. The last time I actually heard about you was when you went missing." As Tiffany said that Alison shot her head towards the brunette sitting next to her. She had no clue why Emily would be missing and to be honest it scared her a little.
But how can you blame her after all the things that happened with A?

Emily turned her head avoiding to look at both girls.
"I'm glad you're back. Melina was worried sick." Tiffany had seen Ali and Emily really close to eachother from where she was standing a few moments ago, so she made sure that every word she'd say would piss Emily off. Specially because Tiffany was still mad with what Emily did.

"Yeah I know, but everything is fine now so..." Emily said hoping the girl would leave before things went too far. Her situation with Alison was really good and she didn't want to ruin it by having to explain to Ali about her bad times, especially because the blonde was the reason and Emily knew she'd feel guilty about it.

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