42. Bullets

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"I said stop! Stop right there Alison or I swear to god the next bullet will stop in her brains!" Ethan yelled in anger, his gun against Emily's head.

The moment Alison had entered the cabin, she immediately tried to run to Emily, but Ethan shot towards the ceiling so the blonde would stop moving.
"This was not my plan! You weren't supposed to show up here!" He seemed crazy, Alison kept looking at her girlfriend who tried to get out of the guy's tight grip.

Tears rolling down their faces.
"Please Ethan," Alison said in a broken voice, the guy could shoot at any second and she knew she had to be careful with her moves and words,
"Just let her go, please."

He shook his head furiously,
"No! No, cause if I do that, you will have your stupid happy ending and I will be in jail! No, no. That's not gonna happen."

"Ethan you have no choice." Emily told him desperately trying to make him drop the gun, "What do you think will happen huh? You shoot me and than what? The cops will get you anyways, just drop it and don't make stuff worse for yourself."

As Emily spoke, Alison tried to look around her, in search of something she could use against Ethan. Next to her feet on the left, was a piece of broken glass. It had to work.

But the question was, how would she get it?

The blonde tried to make Emily see the glass on the floor, and after making eye contact, the brunette got the point and gave Ali a small nod.

"Ethan? This is detective Pierce, the cabin is surrounded by policemen, you have no escape. We can do this the easy way, you come out and let both girls go or we can do it the hard way, which I promise you, you will not enjoy." Ethan turned around to look at the window behind him, where the voice was coming from.

Alison took that chance and bend down to take the broken piece of glass. She quickly hid it under her sleeve and stayed still. Emily still looking at her girlfriend, fear in her eyes that this could get wrong, get fatal.

Ethan looked back at the blonde,
"I don't care if I go to jail, you two will not stay togheter." His voice was lower now, but you could still hear the anger in it.

Alison took slow steps towards him,
"Ethan listen to me, I can help you okay?"

Emily groaned as Ethan tightened his grip around her neck. Useless to say he wasn't really believing Alison's words.

"Let her go and I promise I'll stay with you. I won't leave your side, but you need to let her go." Alison hold her hand up, trying to calm him as she kept taking small steps.

He shook his head slowly, hesitating to give in.
"Why? Why do you care so much for her?! She doesn't deserve you! She doens't love you like I do!"

Alison kept begging please, but he didn't seem to listen. He was entering that phase, where he's losing his patience and his hand was firmly holding the gun.
"I won't let her take you away from me again!" He yelled and both Emily and Alison knew what he was going to do.
He was about to shoot.

Emily started to move uncontrollably to get away from him and Ali screamed when she saw Ethan push the hammer of the gun, preparing it to shoot.

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