14. Soon

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1 month later
Emily's POV

It'sbeen a month since my dad got shot. The same day we went to my parents' house, my dad woke up and when we got there he explained how it happened. Without getting into a lot of detail he said that his group was under attack and to help an already injured soldier, my dad also got shot.

Always trying to be the hero.

But the next day after my dad woke up Alison had to go back to Miami. She didn't want to leave but she was the COO of the DiLaurentis' real estate agency and besides all the work she had to keep up with after being gone for almost 3 days, Ali and her dad still hadn't talked after that 'misunderstanding' at her house, so she really had to go slove things.

I promised Ali I would be fine and that she should go. And again I can't seem to stop promising things to people, let's just hope I can keep them from now on.

The other girls also had to leave. Melina stayed a couple days but her work couldn't permit her to stay longer.
So right now I'm in Texas with my parents, but since my dad is thankfully doing great now I think it's time for me to go back. I'm just not sure where to go.

Should I go back to California?
Should I go meet Alison in Miami?

I had no idea.
I knew one thing though. It was time for me to get my life together. All of my friends have a job and responsibilities, it's time for me to do something with my life too. After not being able to follow my dream as a swimmer, thanks to my A-injury, I realized it wasn't a reason to not have a future near the water. So I graduated and I got a diploma in swim teaching. At first I thought I could become like a coach and have my own team but I guess I could become a high school teacher, at least for now, a slow but also new fresh start.
But first I wanted to make sure where my relationship with Alison stands.

"Em?" My dad brought me out of my thoughts. He came into the living room where I was sitting with the tv on but I wasn't actually paying attention to it.

"Is it a nice movie?" He asked as he sitted next to me. I didn't really want to bother him with this, specially because I feel like I disappointed him with how I've been living my life for the last year after graduating. He expected so much of me and I can't stop feeling ashamed.

"Uh yeah." I said and realized he was looking at me with that smirk on his face.
"Emmy... it's the news' channel sweetheart." He chuckled and I looked at the tv.

Yep great liar Em.

"What's wrong ?" He asked as he put his hand above mines that were laying on my lap.
I sighed,

"When mom called me, telling me what happend to you, I didn't know what I regretted more. The fact that maybe I couldn't have the chance to say goodbye to you or I love you one last time because of my stupidity and stubbornness during these last years. Or the fact that I'd lose you with you being disappointed with me." My vision was getting blurred from the tears that were starting to form in my eyes.

"What do you disappointed with you?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Come on dad, you never said it but I know I disappointed you and mom after I graduated. You were expecting me to become someone in my life. Someone with a great job, a great future. And I-I just failed. I didn't find a real job, only those little ones so I had money to pay my rent, I started to push you guys away and isolated myself in my apartment... I know I could've done better and I know you expected more from me, but I just didn't know how to keep moving and I didn't see a point to it anymore." I confessed to him while the tears started to escape my eyes.  He put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and kissed my temple.

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