24. I'm sure

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"This really is amazing Emily. I-I can't even describe it." Alison said as both girls were inside the pool.

They had been playing around with eachother with the water. They even made a race, which Emily let Alison win. Of course the blonde didn't like it because she knew what Emily had done but while complaining Emily brought her closer and kissed her on the lips to make her stop. As their lips danced perfectly synchronized Alison forgot about the race and just let her mind dive into the moment.

"I'm glad you liked it." Emily said holding her girl from behind.
Alison turned around now facing the brunette,
"I love it." She said with a big smile and kissed the brunette passionately.
After a while Emily remembered she still had to give her gift to Alison.

She slowly pulled apart from Ali and asked,
"You wanna order some food for dinner?"
Alison agreed and the girls got out of the pool.

As they entered the house they were in the living room.
"I'm still shocked at how big this place is. You gotta tell me how you managed to bring us here." Alison chuckled.
"Well... you remember that suspicious call you heard a few days ago, when we went to buy ice creams?" Emily asked, she knew Alison hadn't really believed the excuse she used.

"I admit I had my doubts about it and you used to be a better liar, but yeah I do. Why?"

"Well, it really was Melina on the phone but I didn't tell you what we were talking about because we were talking about this." Emily explained, gesturing to the place around them.

Alison frowned a little,
"So... she helped you to prepare this?"
Emily nodded,
"Yep. Actually this is her parents' house, but they never come here."

Alison opened her mouth widely in surprise, she knew Melina had money and came from a successful family but she didn't think it would be this successful.

"Wow. Well I'm glad they don't because I'm really enjoying being here... specially with you and only you." The blonde said and gave Emily a peck.

"So what do you want to order?" Ali asked.
"Hm I don't know. Are you in a mood for Chinese?" Emily asked grabbing her phone to seach for a restaurant near them on the Internet.

"Yeah sounds good. You know what to order right?" Ali asked playfully.
"Yeah Ali of course I do, it's been five years but I still know what you like to eat." Emily chuckled and dialed the number.
"I hope you do. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna take a quick shower okay?"
Emily nodded with a smile and pointed up stairs so Ali knew where the bathroom was.

The restaurant wasn't actually very far from the house so after 15 minutes the food had arrived.
Alison was still upstairs so Emily prepared the living room for them, filling the couch with pillows and fluffy blankets. She put the food on the coffee table with some drinks too and turned the huge TV on, searching for something on Netflix for them to watch.
As the brunette was searching, Alison came back downstairs.

"Hey." She said as she sitted on the couch close to Emily, snuggling as the brunette put an arm around Alison to bring her even closer. She could sense the fresh smell of the shampoo Ali had used.

"So what are you in a mood for?" Emily asked.
"Oh there, put the Beauty and the Beast. I love it." Alison said excitedly as the movie appeared on the screen.
Emily laughed softly and put the movie on.

As it began she gave Ali her food and they started eating, the lights in the room were turned off and the only light left was the one from the big screen and the moonlight coming from the glass doors leading to the pool and the back of the house.

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