48. Final Chapter

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I read your comments, so as promised here you have it, the last chapter of this fanfic. About the dresses for the wedding, I guess everyone has different tastes, so I'll leave it to you to imagine how they're dressed. Again, thank you for the love and support. I hope you enjoy!❣️

As everyone was quiet and the only sound you could hear was the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Both girl had agreed that they wanted to get married at the beach.

Brown met blue once again, and everyone wiped the happy tears away as they payed attention to the two women in front of them.

"You know how good I am with promises, so I'm going to make a few more, if you don't mind." Emily said and everyone laughed softly.

She took a deep breath before she started as she hold Alison's hands tightly in her hers,
"I tell you this everyday, but what better day to repeat it than today. You are the love of my life, Alison. You are my bestfriend, my lover, my soulmate, my inspiration. You make everyday better and you make me better. I promise to love you unconditionally through thick and thin and sickness and health. I promise that as we adventure through the rest of our lives together, I'll always be by your side loving you, supporting you and celebrating with you. I will always put you first and give you and our family that I hope to build with you, my absolute best, for the rest of my days."
Saying that they were emotional was an understatement. This was really happening, they were getting married after everything.

Emily used one of her hands to wipe Alison's tears carefully. The blonde leaned to the touch and after that she took a deep breath as well, ready to say her vows to her soulmate,

"Emily, I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives, or that the future will only bring us rainbows. I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect or that life will be easy."
The blonde made a small pause between her speech.
As her and Emily stared deeply into eachother's eyes, a small voice was heard,
"Is she just gonna say negative stuff or what?"

When all the eyes were on her, the other blonde blushed, not realizing Alison had stopped talking.
"Uhm, sorry."
Everyone laughed and Ali looked at her bestfriend who was Emily's maid of honor,
"No Hanna, I'm not don't worry."

Emily shook her head playfully and turned back to Ali who had a huge smile on her face. Behind her was Spencer, Ali's maid of honor.
The group of girls had decided that Hanna would be on Emily's side and Spencer on Alison's, while Aria would be the one officiating the wedding. Melina was the one who'd give them the rings with Liv, they wanted to include all her girl bestfriends in the wedding.

"Now the positive things." Alison chuckled looking at Hanna who was still red like a tomato and than looked back at Emily,
"But I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect and my unconditional love for a lifetime. I can promise that I'll always be here for you, to listen and to hold your hand and I'll always do my best to make you happy and make you feel loved. I can promise that I'll see you through any crisis, pray with you, dream with you, build with you, and always cheer you on and encourage you. I can promise that I'll be your protector, your advisor, your bestfriend, your family, your everything. I promise all of this to you, my mermaid."

As Alison finished her words, Emily squeezed her hands and continued to smile deeply, their eyes shining even more than usual because of the tears.
Aria, who was standing close to both of them, sniffled and wiped a tear before it could fall from her eye,
"Alright everyone. Before we continue this ceremony, Spencer, Hanna and I, made a little speech for the both of you."
Spencer cleared her throat and everyone looked at her, she smiled happily and started,
"When we all met in high school, I knew we'd be bestfriends forever. Even when we were mad at eachother, I knew I loved you all. And you guys know what I think about hope, but when you two broke up, I still had hope that you'd find your way back to eachother. And I'm truly happy you did. We all deserved our happy ending after what we've been through, and I couldn't have asked for a better one than this. I love you and I know you're going to have a beautiful future together, and I cannot wait to see and be by your side through it." Emily and Alison hugged their friend tightly and she stepped back after the hug.

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