40. Searching

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"Okay it's gotta be a really big coincidence, that my dad disappeared the same day as Emily. And my mom said that, he had told her he was going to meet Ethan." I said as we were sitting on my car, on our way to my dad's hotel room.
Kidnapped or not I was sure that we could find some informations about the last time he was there.

"So we are really convinced that Ethan's behind all this, right?" Melina asked.
"Yeah. I mean, now all of it makes sense if you think about it." I told her. I took a few seconds and started replaying the last 40 hours in my head.
"Ethan had called me that night so I'd meet him in his house the next day. He wanted me to see what my dad was planning. Ethan made me believe that that was the point of me going there, when in fact, it was a way of having Emily alone in the house, plus it was a also a way to put me against my father and start to trust Ethan again. Those papers that he gave me were probably even fake." I explained and Melina was catching up with it.
"And than he came to your house, pretending that he wanted to help us find her, so he'd look even more trustworthy and wouldn't look suspicious anymore. Because nobody would help someone else find the person they kidnapped themselves... But what about his friend at the police station?" Melina asked.
I shook my head a little,

"I don't think he really has a friend there. He never mentioned it to me when we were together. Plus, this friend never picked up the phone and we never actually heard him speaking with Ethan. He was probably acting the whole time."

"And how did your dad come in the middle of this? Like shouldn't they be helping eachother?" Mel had a point.
For a few seconds there was only silence before suddenly Melina looked at me,
"Alison, Ethan couldn't let Emily alone for hours. I mean he needs someone's help in all this. What if he...?"

I looked back at her for a few seconds before turning my gaze back on the road,
"What? You think that my dad disappeared cause he's keeping an eye on Emily while Ethan makes this acting bullshit?"
She nodded slowly, her face looked apologetic too.
I mean we were in fact talking about the possibility that my own father was helping my Ex-fiancé on kidnapping my girlfriend.

I let out a breath,
"Fuck... Well, one step at a time. Now we go to his hotel room and see what we can find."


A loud noise from the other side of the door suddenly woke Emily and Kenneth up.
"God, I feel like all my bones are broken." Emily complained as she tried to move in her chair.
Her wrists and akles were already bruised for the tight knots and the chair wasn't comfortable at all.

Kenneth had spend the whole night on the floor, his writs still tied to his ankles.
"I'm sure I have a few." Kenneth chuckled but hissed when he tried to sit up.
"Specially my ribs."

Emily looked at him apologetically, she was complaining about her situation but he's wasn't better either.

Again a loud noise was heard.
"What do you think it's happening?" Emily asked.
"I wish I knew." Kenneth shrugged.

As silence filled their room, they heard footsteps on the wooden floor, approaching their door.
Emily swallowed visibly when she saw the door knob turn.

"Oh hello. I thought you were still asleep." The young man said with that stupid smirk on his face, the same smirk Melina hated since the first time she saw it at her office.

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