21. New jobs

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Sometime in the future

"Please I'm begging, let me explain!" The girl begged with her eyes fulled of tears, shaking of fear.

"How could you do this ? To me? To us?" The other said with a broken voice as she grabbed her stuff and started walking towards the door.
The girl who she thought she'd never leave again stood infront of her, still crying and asked please again.

As she received a disappointed head shake she felt her heart break again, this time she was sure it wouldn't heal.
The girl infront of her was emotionless, like she had no tears left to cry and was done with this conversation.

"A few months ago, I would've never pictured our lives how they are right now. And I did definitely not imagine them to be like this because of you."
Again the girl infront of her let out a deep heartbreaking sob while looking at her lover in the eyes, praying for her to let her explain,

"One day I hope you look at what we had and hate yourself for making it end."
And with that she passed next to the girl with her stuff, opening the door and stepping out. Looking back for a second she saw the person who she had been kissing passionately just a few hours ago, falling on her knees crying.
A tear escaped her eye and she closed the door, leaving.


Emily's POV

"Did you get it?" I asked Melina as she entered my apartment.
"Hello to you too." She said chuckling, I ignored it and asked again,
"Come on just tell me if you found it or not? Ali will be here in any minute."

"Yeah yeah chill, I got it." She took the thing I had asked her to get for me from her purse and the moment I saw it I grabbed it from her hand.

"YES!! Oh my god Mel! Thank you thank you!" I squealed in happiness, hugging my bestfriend while jumping.
She laughed,
"I had to go to 3 different stores to find it Em, she better like it."

"She will believe me," I calmed down looking at my gift for Ali,
"I'm sure she'll love it."

A couple of days ago when I called Melina I had asked her to help me prepare a surprise for Ali, that's why I couldn't tell her exactly what the phone call was about.
My plan is to take Ali on a trip this weekend, and since Mel's parents have a beach house here in Miami that they never use, Mel gave me the keys for the weekend.
It's more like a luxury house since her parents are pretty rich, and I'm really excited. It will be just the two of us, in our little world.

Today is Wednesday so I still have 3 days to prepare the rest of the things.
This morning I went to a high school a few blocks away from my apartment and applied for a job as a swimming coach, the director said he'd still give me a call this week so now I just gotta wait, I really hope to get it.

"Hey I'm home." I heard Alison say as I quickly hided the gift. Mel and I tried to act normal as Ali came inside and looked at us.
She raised an eyebrow,
"Everything alright?"

"Yeah." Melina and I said at the same time.
Before Ali had time to ask anything else Mel spoke,
"So Ali you ready for your first day at work?"

Yes, Alison is starting today. She just left to buy some things and now that she's back, Mel and her will leave to the office and start to work.

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