33. I'll bury him

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As she prepared herself for her lunch with Kenneth, Alison stopped to look at herself in the mirror for a second.

Staring at her own eyes, she sighed deeply,

"I don't like this feeling."

Since the call with her dad, the blonde was feeling a little uneasy. Maybe she was just being a paranoid, but her gut was telling her something about her dad being in Miami was off. There was more to the story than just 'business'.

Suddenly her phone rang, making her jump a little. But when she saw the caller ID, a lovely smile replaced the worried expression she had on her face.

"Hey Em."

"Hi, how you doing?" The brunette asked through the phone. It was time for her lunch break, so she decided to call her girlfriend to see how she was.

"Good..." Alison sipmly said, but her voice sounded  hesitant and of course Emily noticed.

"You sure? Doesn't sound like it." Alison smiled a at that.

Sometimes she wondered how Emily always knew when she wasn't alright, sometimes without even seeing her.

"It's just that... My dad called me earlier, apparently he's here in Miami and wants to meet me. We're having lunch in half an hour." She explained.

"Sorry Ali but I don't see the problem. Wasn't that what you had agreed to, when you called him the other day?" Emily asked a little confused to why her girlfriend was so uncomfortable with this lunch.

"I know, but that's not the point. The point is that I was supposed to tell him when to come. And I didn't, he was already here because of business, which is very weird since he never had business in Miami... Get it? He's up to something Emily. I can feel it." Alison said as she paced around in the room.

"Well, since you're going to meet him now, talk to him and try to find out." Emily told her.
"Yeah that's the plan."

"But Ali..." The brunette said suddenly.
"Just... be gentle. I know you think he's up to something but try to consider the idea that, maybe he's really here to make it up to you. We never know, okay?" Alison smiled again, Emily always tried to see the best in people.
She searched for angels inside of demons and sometimes Alison wished her girlfriend wouldn't, because of the pain she could find. But she couldn't help the fact that it was really sweet of her to always try to see the good.

"I'll do my best Em."
On the other side of the phone call, Emily was smiling too, when a knock on her door made her look up.
"Hey Ali, I gotta go now but I'll call you when I'm done for today."
"Okay bye, love you."
"Love you too."

After ending the call, Alison threw her phone on the bed and sighed with her hands on her hips.
"Let's do this."

Emily's POV

As I put the phone down, my office door opened and Mr. Evans entered.
"Hello Ms. Fields, how's your first day going?"
He asked closing the door behind him and taking a sat infront of him.

"Really good, I'm really excited about. To be honest I didn't think I'd enjoy it this much." I told him with a happy expression on my face.
I was really enjoying this job. I had already talked to a few girls that are going to take the tests and they seemed really interested on joining the team.

"That's good, I'm glad. I wanted to talk to you about something though." He said and now his friendly smile faded a little making me worry a little.

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