47. What do you say?

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Alison's POV
As my eyes slowly opened and I was met by beautiful brown hair, I didn't move because I didn't want to wake Emily, as she was still peacefully asleep.
Our legs were tangled and my arm was wrapped around her waist, her back was pressed into my body. This is how I normally wake up when we're together, sometimes I'm the one wrapped around her strong arms, but either way I love it. Just by seeing her there, laying next to me, I was already happy and I couldn't wait to start my morning like this forever.

I put my head on the palm of one of my hand as I trailed my fingers down her arm lightly with the other. She eventually started to get goosebumps and turned around gently, humming with a sleepy smile on her beautiful face.
"Good morning." Her voice raspy from waking up and it was music to my ears, I always found it hot and it definitely doesn't help me wanting to get out of bed.

I leaned down a little and connected our lips,
"Good morning, mermaid." I whispered against her lips.
The mention of my nickname for her made her blush a little and she snuggled closer to me, making me laugh softly at her cuteness.
"I can't believe that I still manage to make you blush."

"I'm not blushing." She murmured, only making my smile bigger.
I wrapped my arm around her body again and traced some lines on her bare back, to be honest, I didn't know what time it was, but I didn't care either. Right now, it was just me and her, and I wouldn't mind to be like this the whole day.

"I love you, so much." I said and she kissed my neck before pushing away a little, so she could kiss my lips.
"And I love you, more than you could imagine, Ali."

I grabbed her face and pulled her closer to kiss her again. It got heated quickly and before we could start something, I pulled away gently and saw her pouting after realizing why I stopped.
"I don't want to get up today, I just wanna stay in bed with you." She protested, her lips inches from mines, and leaned her forehead against mine.
"I know, but I'm sure that at least one of the girls will eventually come here if we don't show up for breakfast. And they won't stop bothering us until we go." I told her as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Out of nowhere she leaned over me, and grabbed my phone that was on the bedside table, checking the time.
"It's 7 in the morning, I'm sure we have at least two hours left until they get up." She had this smirk on her face, and I knew exactly what she meant.
I started laughing at her excitement and rolled us over, so I was on top of her.

"Alright people, since you were all stubborn and decided you didn't need an instructor, here we have it. Now please, if you break bones, do not come to me and complain, because I warned you." Spencer announced as everyone was ready to start skiing.
Being a Hastings had it's perks, one of them was that they were good at basically everything, with Spencer, skiing was one of those things.

She had tried to convince her friends to take some classes before trying to do the sport alone, but none of them was willing to waste hours with an instructor.

So now, they were all dressed and ready to glide on the snow.
Everyone had chosen snowboards, except for Aria and Hanna.
"Have fun everyone, see you down there." Spencer yelled as she took off with Toby behind her.

"Come on, Hanna." Caleb said as he hold his girlfriend's hand and helped her out.
The same went for Aria and Ezra, who seemed to have more struggles than his girlfriend, the way he almost fell before even starting made the petite brunette and the other couple laugh.

"I shouldn't be laughing, I'm sure I'm much worse." Alison admitted when her breathing went back to normal from the laughs.

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