38. You too?

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Alison's POV

Finally arriving home, I grabbed my purse and stepped out of the car, locking it.
For some reason, on my way to the apartment, I started to feel goosebumps and my heart started to race. It was one of those moments when your gut tells you that something is wrong, but you still don't know what.

As I put the key on the door and opened it, I found an empty apartment.
I tried to calm myself as thoughts of what might be happening came to my mind. I refused to believe them, but Emily was supposed to be home already.

"E-Emily?" I called out her name, wishing she would reply and I could have that feeling like when you put your hand in your pocket and don't feel your phone but than you see it and everything is good again.

But I didn't get a reply. And instead of that relaxing feeling, I got even more nervous.

"God please don't do this." I said in a low voice and grabbed my phone from my pocket.
I dialed her number and after a couple of seconds, when I heard her ringtone, I felt my heart ache.
I followed the sound, entering the living room, I found her phone in the couch.

If I wasn't scared before, now I definitely was.
I turned around and checked every room in the apartment, but Emily was nowhere to be found.

"Fuck!" I screamed, not only in anger but in desperation too. I didn't know what to do.
Than I realized I should call someone, the police was useless since they have the 24 hours rule. So I decided to call Melina.
I ran back into the living room but before I did something, my eyes caught a paper that was laying on the floor.

With trembling hands I picked it up,

'You didn't leave her, so I'm taking her away from you. And this time for good.'

It wasn't written by hand, so I couldn't find out who had written it, even though I had a pretty idea.
I let myself fall on my knees with the paper still in my hands.
"What have I done?" I asked to myself.

I knew I still had to tell Melina, so I just wrote her a message saying it was really urgent.
As tears started to come to my eyes, I clicked on Ethan's number.
"Hello?" That innocent voice of his made me lose it.
"How could you do it you son of a bitch?! I decided to forgive you and this is what you do?? I just got out of your stupid house, how the fuck did you have time to kidnap my girlfriend?!" I raised my voice word by word. He tried to interrupt me but I just kept talking,
"I swear that if you do something to her, if your one hair of hers, I'll cut you in pieces!"

"Alison! Please listen to me! I didn't do anything, okay? I swear! I was with you this whole time, do you really think I had time to leave after you and take Emily?" He told me.
I really didn't know what to believe. The only think I knew was the fact that my girlfriend was missing.

All of a sudden someone knocked on the front door. I stood up, still on the phone with Ethan.

"Alison I got your message what happend?" Melina came inside, you could see the concern in her face, like she was panicking.

I put the call on speaker and she saw it was Ethan.
Her eyebrows frowned and than she noticed the tears on my cheeks.

"Alison? You there? Listen I promise you that I had nothing to do with this. I am not a part of this, that's why I gave you those papers. I need you to believe me, I did not kidnap Emily!" As the words kidnap and Emily left his mouth, Melina's shocked eyes immediately met mines.

I nodded so she'd know that it was true and that Emily was really missing.

"I have to go now. But I swear Ethan, if I know that you're lying-"
"I'm not. Look. I'll go to your apartment. I'll help you find her." I didn't even say goodbye and just ended the call.

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