15. New starts

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Emily's POV

I was at the airport waiting for Alison to arrive when someone started calling my name. Alison's flight only arrived in 10 min so it couldn't be her. I looked around and then I spotted a familiar face.

"Emily!" She ran to me and we hugged.

"Paige? Hi! Oh my god what are you doing here?" I asked smiling at her. I know it's weird since she's my Ex but she was a good friend when we were in high school.

"Actually I'm going to catch a flight. I came here two weeks ago on vacation and I'm leaving today." She explained as we took a seat.

"And how was it? Did you like Los Angeles?" I asked since she always wanted to come here when we were younger.

"Yeah I enjoyed it a lot, well now I'm even happier that I came." She winked and put her hand on mines that were laying on my lap.
As I was about to say something we both hear my name again.

"Emily!" We both stood up and saw Alison coming towards us with her luggage.

Well she looked mad.

Like when we were in high school with that cold bitchy and typical Alison DiLaurentis' look.

"Ali-" I was about to say when she hold her hand up, gesturing me to shut up, not even making eye contact with me.

"Paige." She said staring at the girl.

"Hey Alison, long time." Paige gave her an awkward smile.
She gave Paige a fake smile,
"Not long enough." Ali said coldly.

Yep typical Alison DiLaurentis.

"Well I guess I should go, my flight is in 5 minutes. It was nice to see you Emily. Alison." I waved at her and she left. When I looked back I was met by a pair of furious eyes.

"W-what is it?" I asked her nervous that she might explode and start yelling at me or something. If there is one thing I haven't forgotten is how scary the old Alison can be.

Instead of an answer she just grabbed her things and started walking, shaking her head.

"Ali wait a second." I tried to hold her arm to make her stop but suddenly she stopped and we almost bumped into eachother.

"You are still the same Emily Fields. A girl is there flirting with you and just as usual you don't stop her. It's unbelievable."

"Flirti-what?? Ali we were just talking." I was so confused why this was upsetting her so much. And we weren't flirting.
I was just talking to the girl. But now that I think about it... it was Paige and they were never friends.

"Emily that was not just talking PLUS it was Paige also known as you ex-girlfriend, the girl I never liked? The one that almost stole you from me when we were in high school?" I raised my eyebrows when she mentioned the 'stole' part and she stoped talking, and turned around to start walking after realizing what she said.

But this time I did catch her and pulled her back by the wrist, bringing our bodies close to eachother. In one second I used my free hand that wasn't holding her wrist and put it on her cheek connecting her lips with mines, not giving her time to think and back away. She hesitated a little but then I felt her relax under my touch as she gave into the kiss. I pulled away slowly and saw that she still had her eyes closed. Then I gently kissed her cheek and she opened her eyes to look into mines.

"She didn't managed to steal me back than, what makes you think she could do it now huh? You really think I would have something with her ? Specially now that I see how frustrated and jealous you still get because of me?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

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